Additional Courses That Can Boost Up Your CV To A Professional Level

Get a hike with these courses!

Wondering how to make your resume stand out from the rest? Well, take a look forward. After graduation, your resume should show that you have been actively thinking about your future career. A great way to do this is to spend your time taking various free courses that will help you improve your resume.

1.Google Digital Garage

Whatever your future career, rest assured that you will need digital skills. What better place than Google to learn these skills? Many options go far beyond digital solutions.

From networking skills to the science of wellbeing, the range of courses on offer is huge. Many  courses are free and you will receive a certificate upon completion, which is perfect to add to your CV.

2. Oxford Home Study Center

The Oxford Home Study Center offers a range of free courses that can be accessed remotely. Upon completion you will receive a certificate.  There is a really diverse range of options, from basic accounting courses and a cybersecurity course to report writing and ethics.

3. FutureLearn

Not all FutureLearn courses  are free.However, many of them are inexpensive. They offer a large number of courses on a wide range of topics such as law, education, health, history, language, psychology, etc. No matter what area you want to develop your career in, you'll likely  find something that suits you.

4. Codecademy

There is no doubt that programming skills will be useful to everyone in the future. At least it will help  you  understand what is possible. Much of Codecademy's content, especially at the most basic levels, is available for free. You can learn great basic programming skills without having to leave your home or spend a dime.

5. BBC Academy

The range of topics covered by the BBC Academy is immense. When it comes to journalism and media, there are many different options that can help you. There are some great standalone options that cover aspects like virtual reality production and subtitling.

6. OpenLearn

OpenLearn is a free course platform from the Open University. Whether it's building a personal brand for professional success or learning how to write a SWOT analysis, there are some really great opportunities for those early in their careers.

7. Duolingo

Duolingo is a language learning platform.By doing it small and often, you can set your daily goal to just 10 minutes. Almost all major languages ​​are covered here and in our international world you can be sure that  additional language skills will give you an advantage on your CV.

8. edX

edX brings together many free course providers. A good example of  courses offered is “Data Analysis and Visualization in Excel”.Although the certificate is paid, you can access the course for free and learn  Microsoft Excel, which  is obviously widely used in the workplace.  Identify the skills you need for the job you are applying for, but also choose the training that interests you. In this way you will easily acquire skills remotely, but at the same time you will see the possibility of completing the course, i.e. H. include it on your resume.

9. HubSpot Academy

Another great free digital learning provider is HubSpot Academy, but this time with a focus on digital marketing.The courses are divided into accessible lessons. It is delivered in video and presentation format, supported by resources and practical activities, and covers a range of digital marketing techniques, from content management  to developing a Twitter strategy.