Six Signs That Indicate You Are Dealing With An Avoidant Partner

An avoidant partner lacks the ability to commit. Such an individual will invariably push their partners away even if they are a perfect match, to avoid getting hurt in the future.

Romantic relationships need to balance distance and closeness, autonomy and interdependence. Healthy relationships should maintain a balance between these poles. However, if one partner coherently seeks a position of autonomy and distancing, intimacy and love can suffer greatly. Here are some signs that can help you identify an emotionally unavailable or avoidant partner.

They are intimidated by the idea of commitment.

An avoidant partner tends to wean away from conversations involving any long-term plans. They show vagueness when asked about their desires or needs. In romantic relationships, avoidance coping suggests that the person will most likely end every partnership before they are hurt by their partners.

They are buzz kills

They tend to sabotage a perfect relationship, especially when things are going great, by getting angry, acting childish, picky, or sullen. The more you seek a deeper commitment with them, the more they withdraw, becoming less interactive or expressing a desire to meet other people.

Not fully invested in the current relationship

Emotionally unavailable partners may romanticize a past relationship. They may cling to the thoughts and fantasies of an ex-lover in such a way that it makes a previous relationship seem still alive, unresolved, or unfinished, making them emotionally unavailable to you.

Face difficulty in trusting anyone

An avoidant partner shows signs of suspiciousness or finds it difficult to trust anyone. They will often find it challenging to view your actions positively and will always manage to find a reason to distrust you. They live with the notion that you are planning to misuse them or hurt their feelings.

They send mixed messages.

An avoidant individual maintains distance by giving out mixed signals. At times, they will draw you in, seeking closeness, and other times, they will push you away. Their words do not match their actions often. For instance, they might tell you they wish to spend more time with you but cancel all plans, prioritizing other commitments.

They show limited affection.

Emotionally unavailable people may not be generous with any kind of physical affection. They may get uncomfortable if you try to seek physical closeness with them. Such individuals may tell you they love you once in a while without meaning it.

If you are dealing with an avoidant romantic partner, you can always find ways to adjust with them, but you must leave if nothing seems to work.