Do Not Lose Yourself In Your Next Relationship: Five Tips That Can Help Maintain Your Sense of Self In A Relationship

Do you often get swallowed in romantic relationships? Do you fail to maintain your sense of self every time you are in love?

Let's say you are dating someone new, and you often catch yourself changing your behavior while they are around to please them. This loss of self occurs when personal needs dissipate while the other person’s interests and needs take the center stage. Here are some tips that can help you maintain your authenticity, build your self-esteem and eliminate habits of people-pleasing.

Spend some time apart

You need to ensure that showing interest or enthusiasm in learning about your partner’s interests does not come at the cost of surrendering your own. There are many ways of pursuing your interests while encouraging your partner to chase their dreams.

Develop healthy and strong boundaries

Developing healthy and strong boundaries right at the beginning of the relationship can help both you and your partner to maintain authenticity. Boundaries in relationships should essentially be viewed positively — they help preserve the distinctive qualities in every individual — even the ones your partner is attracted to. To ensure this, identify your non-negotiables. If certain behaviors of your partner trigger you, let them know about it and put a boundary that you will not compromise for them.

Do not give up on friends after finding love.

People often get infatuated after getting into romantic relationships, and the entire world outside tends to disappear for them. Even though it seems natural at first, you should never forget about your family and friends. Schedule time to meet them regularly. They have had your back many times, and it is not wise to limit your life only to your romantic partner. Having some other perspective is crucial.

Communicate openly

Talk openly about your feelings to your partner. Discuss what things are not working for you and also about your likes and dislikes. Open and honest communication will get you closer to your partner. Your relationship will only enhance when you can identify what things are not working. So, communicate openly!

Stop over-giving

The tendency of over-giving typically stems from not seeing your worth and seeking others’ approval. People often believe that the more love they offer, the more affection they will receive from their partner. But sadly, it does not work that way in relationships, and over time, it will increase your resentment, and you will feel your partner is taking you for granted.

Healthy relationships should not be codependent. A strong sense of self will help you flourish in your romantic relationship.