Common Communication Barriers That Can Ruin Relationships

Communication barriers can leave a remarkable impact on people's professional and personal lives.

Communication barriers may involve anything that disables or prevents individuals from delivering the desired message to the concerned individual at the right time - or a receiver from receiving the correct news at the expected time. Poor communication is one of the key reasons why most relationships fail. Check out some common communication barriers that may pose potential threats to your relationship.

The use of “You” directives

Ineffective and poor communication is typically characterized by the "you" directives or language, like "you should… .," "you are. . .," "you must. . ." Most people do not appreciated being told what to do, and using the "you" directive can arouse feelings of defensiveness and resentment in people. This kind of communication is often perceived as problematic because it generally receives a negative response, leading to conflicts and disagreements. There are better ways of putting your point across without using "you" directives.

Universal Statements

Universal statements generalize an individual's character or behaviour in a negative manner. This type of statement is problematic in numerous ways. First, the inherent message lying within a universal statement indicates that in the mind of the speaker, there is no possibility of the other individual being anything else. Such statements focus on pointing out "what is wrong" and never "how things can be improved" and can discourage change.

Being too tough on an individual and soft on the issue.

Being too tough on someone and soft on the issue can often arouse negative reactions from the other side, and they might perceive your words more personally, causing them to feel resentful, hurt, angry, or resistant. This negative approach also involves the frequent use of universals and “you” statements.

Invalidate Feelings

If a person’s positive feelings are invalidated, they will likely feel diminished. When positive feelings disappear, it negatively impacts the strength of the relationship. Similarly, if an individual’s negative feelings are invalidated, their negative feelings will likely intensify. As the negative emotions increase, the potential barriers in a relationship increase too. Invalidating others’ feelings can cause instant resentment and lead to “fallouts” between family, friends, lovers, and other people.

Healthy relationships can be established only through effective communication. When two people discuss their problems and share their hopes, fears, and dreams together, the bond deepens between them.