3 wonderful Yoga poses to practice post dinner for sleeping better

Practicing certain yoga postures after a meal is known to not only induce mental relaxation but also alleviate fatigue and promote better digestion.

It's rightly said that Yoga is not just a set of asanas but a way of life. The ancient practice helps improve various aspects of physical and mental health and over a period of time its many benefits could help one lead a better life with improved productivity, better sleep, confidence and outlook towards life. The long-term practice of Yoga can help manage chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, fatty liver, arthritis among many others. Yoga is a very good practice to start and end your day with. In the morning, it can help raise your alertness and energy levels, on the other hand, at bedtime, Yoga can help you sleep well and digest food efficiently.

Yoga asanas to practice after dinner

"Yoga, when practiced consistently, is renowned for its manifold health benefits. Engaging in specific yoga postures after a meal is reputed to not only induce mental relaxation and alleviate bodily fatigue but also promote enhanced digestion. Some poses improve blood circulation, oxygenation, digestive processes and promote better sleep. If feelings of bloating or heaviness persist after dinner, these specific asanas offer respite by lightening the load on the stomach during sleep," says Dr Hansaji Yogendra, Director, The Yoga Institute.

Dr Hansaji Yogendra shares three yoga poses that particularly promote restful sleep after dinner:

1. Vajrasana

Vajrasana stands as the sole posture suitable for practice after meals, as it stimulates blood circulation in the abdominal region, thereby facilitating digestion. It also provides relief from acute lumbar back pain resulting from prolonged sedentary work. This pose is the simplest means to attain a restful sleep because it calms the mind and relaxes nerves.

2. Yashtikasana

This technique serves to tranquilize both the mind and body, offering an ample stretch to the spine and relieving back pain. It effectively alleviates muscle stiffness, contributing to enhanced comfort during sleep. Embracing this asana prior to retiring for the night is highly recommended for promoting sound sleep as it also helps in de-stressing.

3. Dradhasana

The left nostril is called the Chandra nadi because the body and mind are pacified when one breathes through it. Dradhasana on the right side, encourages flow of prana through the Chandra nadi thus facilitating good and sound sleep. This makes Dradhasana a most comfortable posture for deep relaxation at night.

Immediately after dinner or an hour after? The right time to practice bedtime asanas

"Following an arduous day, including a selection of yoga poses into one's evening routine represents the optimal path to attain comfort and experience blissful sleep. One may sit in Vajrasana immediately after dinner but the other two poses should be practiced at least one hour post dinner. These yoga poses are guaranteed to bolster gastrointestinal health, alleviate bloating, support digestion, and revitalize the body. Try these postures in your post-dinner regimen, and witness the transformative effects firsthand," concludes Dr Hansaji Yogendra.

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