What Can Happen When You Have Too Much Honey?

Alternative to sugar, honey is truly a healthy substitute, however, too much of it can be detrimental



An alternative to sugar, honey is truly a healthy substitute — no doubt, yet, as they say, even too much of a good thing is bad. Honey — excess consumption of which, is not contrary to that wisdom.


Organically produced by bees while processing the nectar of flowers, consuming honey has various other health benefits like reducing weight, boosting immunity, improving cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and has the likes. Hence, with an increase in awareness, the usage of honey has also extended substantially, and many people are seen to go overboard with it. But too much honey can be detrimental. Here's how.


Impact On Blood Sugar


Rich in carbohydrate and natural sugars, too many spoonfuls of honey can raise blood sugar. Though it's a good sugar substitute for diabetics, too much of it can elevate the blood sugar level.


Digestion Issues


Loaded with high fructose content, a large amount of honey can negatively affect bowel movements, even if one does not have such a case history. Since the body cannot metabolize a high sugar onrush, too much honey can contribute to bloating or even diarrhoea.


Lowering Of Blood Pressure


Just because honey works well for people with high blood pressure doesn't warrant it to be consumed unregulated. An excess of it can work conversely lowering the blood pressure below normal, which is known as hypotension. Low blood pressure can eventually affect the functioning of the heart.


Weight Gain


Too much honey will pump in excess calories, sugar and carbohydrate not only throwing off your weight loss plans, off kilter, rather, it'll add to the woes by doing just the opposite.


Dental Issues


Too much honey can also lead to tooth decay. According to the information disseminated by USDA National nutrient database, sugar comprises about 82% of honey, so, one can understand the ill-effects of too much honey on the teeth in itself. Furthermore, honey being a highly viscous liquid, exhibits a tendency to get lodged at the cavities, increasing the chances of the abrasive action of the decade.


Safety Limit


In generalized speak, a practice of moderation when it comes to consuming honey is the key to derive the optimal benefits out of it. If one is more metrical in its approach, it's advised that not more than about 50 ml of honey should be put into your system in a day. A breach in the consumption advisory will result in the onset of ailments as expounded above.