Wedding Day: Must-haves in your bridal emergency kit

Say goodbye to any emergencies on your wedding day by curating a kit with the below must-haves.

A bridal emergency kit will be your lifesaver on your wedding day. It will have all the materials you don’t even know you need, from beauty supplies to medicines and toiletries. You never know what hiccup might arise on your day. So you need to be prepared and an emergency kit in the way to go.

It can time-consuming to decide what to put in your kit. But do not worry, as we are here to help. Below is a list of items that you absolutely must-have in the kit.

  • Miniature sewing kit
A sewing kit contains needles; safety pins, hem tape, thread and scissors will be your strongest ally to fight any mishaps. Remember to find threads that match your wedding day outfit colour. The kit will be your best friend for any loose threads or tear that might happen, while safety pins will help keep the entire outfit in place.
  • Clear nail polish
A small bottle of clear nail polish will be perfect for fixing any chapped nails. Additionally, it also helps stop any runs in tights and nylons. Apply a quick coat on the tear to prevent it from running further.
  • Makeup
Put a stash of emergency makeup in your kit. Add everything you can think of, from lipstick and foundation to eyeliner and mascara. You never know when your makeup gets smudgy or runny. But having these items near you will allow you to give a quick fix and be ready to snap the endless photographs.
  • Pins and hair ties
We are sure you don’t want a loose strand of hair spoiling your pictures. The bobby pins and hair tie will help you fix your hair when it loosens due to the wind and humidity. You can even add comb and a small bottle of hair spray for any other emergencies.
  • Stain removers
Eating and drinking all day can cause you to be a victim of a spill. To make it less noticeable in an instant, keep a stain remover in handy. They are a quick and easy way to fix up any stain.
  • Tissues
Do you keep a packet of travel tissues in your handbag every day? Then, we sure don’t need to tell you why you need to keep it at your immediate disposal. Hint: To wipe off all the tears.

Good luck on your big day!