Published By: Admin

Want To Hide Behind The Internet? Here’s What You Can Do To Be More Anonymous Online!

Stick to these basic rules to limit what people know about you over the internet!

The internet has you in the view of every known and unknown person. You must be aware of that often when you visit websites, they ask for you to accept cookies or for you to sign up with just your email addresses. You may think these to be harmless but in reality, your data is most vulnerable on the internet, no matter what the privacy policies of certain websites state. It is therefore widely suggested that you look closely at all the information you are willing to share over the internet. The more anonymous you are on the internet, the better secure you are against internet frauds. Here are a few ways you can maximise your internet anonymity!

Block Internet Trackers Right From The Start

Let’s get something straight right at the beginning. Given that our lives run online for the most part, it is impossible to be completely anonymous on the internet. But, you can try to have the maximum privacy online depending on how paranoid you are about your personal data being leaked online. The first step to do that would be to block the million trackers that run on your browsers. The trackers are mostly used by tech and advertisement companies to get a sense of what interests you. Every time you visit a website, the internet trackers record your activity. The embedded cookies and trackers of the websites follow your activities around the web. In order to get past the invisible trackers, you need to be able to block them. Most web browsers have extensions that can block these trackers from marking your internet activities. So, the moment you start a web browser make sure that these tracker blocking extensions are running on the browser. Also, refrain from accepting all cookies that usually pop up when you enter certain websites. If you are unable to disable the cookies, accept the cookies that use the least of your information.

Select The Options That Offers You Most Privacy

Some websites would make you accept user agreements. Instead of blindly agreeing to all that the user agreements state, read them carefully. Look carefully at what kind of data collection permissions they are asking from you. If there is an end-to-end encryption option available, select it. Generally, your goal would be to give the websites permission of collecting only the absolutely necessary data and nothing more! Remember to also carefully review the data you are sharing with these websites and the privacy policies stating how they will be using such data.

Be Mindful Of What You Are Posting Online

This should be no brainer, but it is essential to check the details that you are posting online. Be careful as to not share your location, bank or personal details online as these increase the chances of you being susceptible to cyber frauds. Refrain from posting every little detail of your lives on social media. It is crucial that you don’t over share on your social media posts if you are serious about keeping your anonymity intact on the internet. Also, when apps ask permission for tracking your location, camera and microphone, make sure that you are granting these permissions after carefully reviewing the apps and their ethical as well as privacy policies. Also, do not just accept friendship and follow requests from people you don’t know on social media. Maintaining your anonymity over the internet will only work if you are careful and mindful about what you are sharing on the internet.