Published By: Admin

Summer Is Famous For Mangoes: But How Can You Spot An Artificially Ripened Mango?

Are you snagging the real mangoes or just the fruity fakes? Let's find out!

You know it's summer when mangoes flood the markets, but man, the disappointment when they turn out bland! With everyone craving that sweet, juicy goodness, sellers are hustling hard to cash in on the mango craze. But here's the kicker – some of them resort to shady tactics like using harmful chemicals to ripen the fruit, and that's seriously messed up!

What does artificial ripening mean?

Artificial ripening involves using chemicals or other methods to speed up the ripening process of fruit. Often, it's done to meet demand or prolong the fruit's shelf life. But with health concerns on the rise, authorities are cracking down on sellers and businesses using illegal and unethical ripening practices for mangoes. This highlights the need to educate consumers because many can't tell the difference between fake and real fruits. Also, the chemicals used can be hazardous, leading to various health issues. So, how can you spot artificially ripened mangoes? Here are some tricks!

Take a whiff of the mango

Mangoes are all about that heavenly smell, right? Naturally ripened ones give off that sweet, fruity aroma that's just irresistible. But if you catch a whiff of something funky or chemical-like, that's a red flag – it could be artificially ripened. Trust your nose to steer clear of those dodgy mangoes!

Mangoes are known for their sweet aroma and succulent flesh

Check the size of the mango

If you spot smaller-than-usual mangoes with juice oozing out, that's a telltale sign they might be laced with toxic chemicals. Naturally ripened ones tend to be plumper and more satisfyingly juicy. So, keep an eye out for those petite, overly drippy mangoes – they're best left on the shelf!

Give the mango a water test

Dunk those mangoes in a bucket of water, and you've got yourself a DIY ripeness test. If they float like little buoys, chances are they've been chemically ripened. But if they sink like a stone, you've hit the jackpot with naturally ripened mangoes. Who knew a simple water test could save the day at the fruit stand!

Inspect the color of the skin

When it comes to mangoes, uniformity isn't always a good thing. Artificially ripened ones often sport a consistent color throughout, leaning towards a brighter yellow or orange hue. Plus, they might have a bit of extra shine, courtesy of those sneaky chemicals. So, next time you're eyeing up mangoes, remember: not all that glitters is gold – especially when it comes to mangoes!

Artificially ripened mangoes typically have a consistent color throughout, making them easy to identify

Feel the mango to gauge its firmness

Give those mangoes a gentle squeeze – if they feel unnaturally soft or mushy, they might have been artificially ripened. Those chemicals have a knack for breaking down the cell walls in the fruit, leaving them feeling a bit too squishy. So, when in doubt, trust your fingertips to sniff out the real deal!

Natural mangoes typically have a firmer texture compared to artificially ripened ones

Examine the mango for any visible damage

Look out for bruises, spots, or other external blemishes – they're often more common on artificially ripened ones. Naturally ripened mangoes, on the other hand, tend to keep their skin smooth and spotless. So, if you spot any suspicious marks, it's best to give those mangoes a pass!

In the end, it's all about the taste

When it comes to mangoes, taste is everything. Artificially ripened ones often fall short in the flavor department, lacking the sweet and juicy goodness of their naturally ripened counterparts. If you detect any strange or bland taste, or worse, experience a burning sensation or stomach issues after indulging in a mango, it's likely been artificially ripened. Your taste buds and tummy definitely know the difference – so trust those instincts and opt for the real deal!

Mangoes earn their title as the king of fruits for their incredible taste and juiciness

Keeping an eye out for artificially ripened mangoes isn't just about taste – it's about staying safe and healthy. Armed with these handy tips, you can confidently navigate the mango aisle and ensure you're picking out the real ones every time!