Social distancing? Stay connected and entertained in these ways

Covid pandemic has bought the words like social distancing as new normal. Here is what you should do to stay connected and entertained while social distancing. The Covid pandemic has changed our lives like never before. The things we always took for granted, like going out to movies, taking a stroll in the park, eating out in the restaurant or just catching up with our friends,seems more distant than ever. And all we can do is to sit in our homes in isolations. We don’t know about the pandemics in the past, but life is a little less hard for us during the covid pandemic, thanks to the internet. So, we were going to work, shopping, going to movies, all while sitting in the comfort of our house. So, if you are social distancing, here are some fun ways to stay connected and entertained. Virtual stargazing                                                                                                                     You can organize virtual stargazing, where you and your friends can connect virtually and look at the stars together. If you are in different states, countries even continents, it would be fun to listen and see what star or planet you can find in the night sky of your city. You can even lookup unknown constellations and stars and increase knowledge about the cosmos. Virtual cooking contest Or you can indulge in a virtual cooking contest with your family online. Take one secret family recipe and cook it together virtually. It won’t just be the family cook-off, but it would also fill in with great trivia, secret family jokes and reminiscing memories while cooking. This activity would kill the monotony of quarantine and enable you all to spend quality family time. Host a movie night  Or you can host a movie night with your family. With a browser extension, you could also host a Netflix party, which enables you and your friends to watch a movie or a drama series together. And the best part, it starts and stops together for everyone watching a movie with you. Join an online book club You can join a virtual book club (search through the net, you would find many that would interest you). You can pick a book and read it or nowadays even listen to it virtually. You can discuss your reviews with many like-minded people and listen to their favourites. We are sure these simple ideas would light up your gloomy quarantine days, and before you know it, you could hug and meet your friends and family again like old times.