Skills you should develop to become a radio jockey

Want to become a radio jockey and wondering what skills to sharpen? This article may help you.

Using an 'RJ' before your name sounds fascinating, isn't it? Well, the job is also as attractive as it sounds. Communicating thousands of people with just your voice, sharing your ideas, spreading social awareness, playing songs, taking celebrity interviews and many other interesting activities, radio is truly what they say,"The theatre of mind". While having a good voice is an added advantage to be a radio jockey, these are some skills you should also develop to enter as well as excel in this field.

  1. Voice and Speech: Well, as we previously mentioned, having a good voice is an added advantage to become a radio jockey. Actually, it's more about how you're using your voice to communicate with people. If you don't modulate your voice, talk in almost same pitch and tone, and fumble quite often; then the listeners will eventually get bored and turn off the radio. So, try doing some exercises to develop modulation, pitch and tone in your voice and clarity in your speech.
  2. Command over Language: As the primary job of a radio jockey is to talk, having an excellent command over language is a must. You should know the regional dialect, common proverbs etc and your pronounciation should be absolutely perfect.
  3. Knowledge: As radio shows are more about infotainment (information+entertainment), a radio jockey is supposed to provide information about several topics such as society, politics, entertainment, sports, science, environment etc. So, you should be extremely knowledgeable and always updated about what's happening in the world. Read everyday newspapers, books, blogs etc and gain as much knowledge as you can.
  4. Sense of Humour: Nobody wants to listen to a show which is boring, heavy and extremely serious. As people mostly listen to radio for relaxation, your sense of humour is what will make them attracted to you. Add jokes, punch lines and sarcasm in your speech, but make sure that it should not hurt anybody's sentiment.
  5. Communication Skill: Needless to say, having a great communication skill is vital for a radio jockey. You have to connect with thousands of people and befriend them with just your voice, so your way of communication should be different, unique and interesting. If you are introvert and shy, then radio is definitely not your field.
  6. Creativity: Radio Jockeying is a challenging job where only creative people can survive. You always have to think out of the box and come up with interesting ideas. People would never listen to you if you don't have a unique style of hosting a show.
Last but not the least, never try to imitate others and be completely yourself; and then no one can stop you from achieving your goals.