Quitting Your Job? Six Dos and Don'ts You Should Keep In Mind When Sending In Your Resignation
You can quit your job for various reasons but do it gracefully. A classy exit can help foster your status as an admirable professional among your former colleagues and employer.
Quitting a job often exudes a bittersweet experience—but in some cases, you may be very excited to make the next leap forward in the journey of your career! Whatever may be the case, you should consider leaving your current job gracefully, exuding nothing but positive vibes. To help you figure out the correct way of resigning, we have listed some dos and don’ts that can help you bid farewell to your former company with elegance.
Do speak to your manager about the resignation in person
Before sending in your resignation letter, consult your direct manager first. Your manager might be able to suggest your following steps or how you should share the news with others.
Don't boast about your new gig.
Even if you bagged the world’s best job, do not boast about it. It is absolutely unnecessary to make your soon-to-be former colleagues and employer feel bad. It will only deteriorate the relationships you developed at your current workplace, and it is uncalled for.
Do offer to serve the notice period
Inform your current employer at least one month before quitting. If you have a significant position in your organization with unique responsibilities with no other employee doing your type of work, then it would be preferable to inform at least three months before quitting.
Don’t rant in your exit interview.
Exit interviews help human resources managers to obtain some genuine feedback on the organization’s policies, work culture, working conditions, and more. It is essential to remember that these interviews are not arranged to let you air your personal grievances. Instead, you should offer fact-based and constructive reasons suggesting why you are switching to a different organization.
Do seek a reference
Request your employer and colleagues for a reference. You can ask them to leave LinkedIn recommendations and also be available through phone or email. The reference on your LinkedIn profile can be beneficial for your job search endeavors in the future.
Don’t leave a mess.
Before leaving, make sure you are cleaning your digital footprint (emails, computer files, shared documents, and login passwords). Also, tidy up your office space and desk. Do not leave any personal items in your cubicle.