Published By: Admin

Know the Feng Shui Plants for Your Home

House plants are becoming a bit of a rage—a style statement If I may in recent times. However, it is important to know the flow of Chi to extract the positive values out of your indoor plants.

Manifesting good vibes depends partly on the interior décor of a house, and houseplants certainly are an essential component of this décor. Determining the spots is easy with a bagua map, which demarcates spaces according to their feng shui value. 

Feng shui experts identify a couple of indoor plants that ease the flow of chi and a touch of nature. When potted following the guidelines, you are bound to yield from the ample goodness. 

Jade Plants

In feng shui, jade plants stand for luck and fortune. This low-maintenance, miniature, succulent plant has fleshy, opal-shaped leaves which attract good wealth, abundance, prosperity, and happiness. Conforming to the practices, jade plants are best placed in the southeast direction of the living space. Once you have zeroed in on the space, try to pick a healthy and flourishing jade plant:

The plant should have a strong central stem.

The plant should not have mealy bugs or root rot

The plant should not be a fancy terrarium version 

Let the green leaves signify energy, renewal, and growth!


Pothos are purifying plants and bless the indoor environment with clean and pollution-free air to breathe in. They thrive on minimum water and can be suitably placed in the living room, preferably close to the doorway. Even for decoration purposes, the waxy green leaves with beautiful streaks of white add to the charm.

Pothos are easy to propagate. 

Snake Plants

Snake plants shield the house from negativity and could be placed in extremely low-light areas. The therapeutic value of snake plants makes for a strong cause as to why you should bring them indoors. These plants are known to reduce headaches, eye irritation, respiratory ailments, and lethargy and improve concentration. The sleek leaves improve the aesthetics of the living space and complement the modern indoor architecture.

Philodendron Heart Leaf

Philodendron is appropriate if you want to deck the shelves or the desk in an area that receives direct sunlight. The positivity radiates to the spaces where you read, work, and grow. The shape of its leaves mimics the fire element. Feng shui suggests placing the pots in the southeast region to reap the positivity. What adds to the gorgeousness of the space? The heart-shaped leaves.

Three-Layer Bamboo

The popular indoor plant is known for luring good fortune. Legend says that every leaf that sprouts is symbolic of luck and prosperity bound to happen to the owner. Also known as Feng Shui Bamboo, the plant nurtures itself smoothly if placed in direct sunlight. It is a perennial plant and is drought-resistant. The plant strikes an artful balance of the natural elements: earth, wind, fire, water, and wood. If you are buying in bulk, do not group into four as the number is considered unlucky. Five stalks arranged in the container are the proper way to keep this feng shui plant. Adding a few coins and pebbles to the container is a harbinger of good luck.

Whenever you are choosing a plant, look if the leaves are healthy and rounded. Avoid opting for spiky and dry leaves and those plants can negate and drain all the positivity. Different plants have the power to harvest different types of energy in the house. You will need to choose plants according to the space where they will be kept and the energy you are rooting for. Remove any cacti, toxic plants, and dying plants as these block the positivity from coming in.