Killer diets: 5 kinds of diets that can turn fatal if you go overboard

Extremely low-calorie diets to detox diets; know all about the eating patterns that can turn fatal if not followed under expert supervision.

Vegan raw food influencer Zhanna D’Art who was passionate about raw vegan cuisine and designed recipes out of it passed away after her prolonged struggle with starvation and exhaustion. Zhanna was on exclusive exotic fruit diet, and she believed it was a healthy lifestyle choice and would keep her youthful. However, experts say such strict diets can have their own side-effects as a balanced diet and proper nutrition is important for body functions and preventing illnesses. A diet that is extremely low calories, doesn't have all nutrient groups, doesn't make you feel full or energetic, interferes in your productivity or causes fatigue and weakness can be dangerous and must be avoided.

Nutritionist Sakshi Lalwani in an interview with HT Digital talks about 5 diets that can potentially be harmful and even fatal if followed without proper education, planning, and supervision.

1. Extremely low-calorie diets

Extreme calorie restriction can lead to nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, weakened immune function, and even organ damage if sustained for extended periods. It's crucial to ensure that your body's energy needs are met while maintaining a balanced intake of essential nutrients.

2. Fad diets

These diets often gain popularity due to their promise of quick results, but they may lack scientific support or long-term sustainability. Relying on unbalanced meal plans or excessive elimination of food groups can deprive your body of essential nutrients, potentially leading to malnourishment or other adverse effects.

3. Detox diets and cleanses

Detox diets can be deadly if followed without supervision and extended for more than a few days. While the idea of removing toxins from your body may sound tempting, many detox diets are low in calories and lack evidence-based scientific backing.

4. Ketogenic diet without medical supervision

The ketogenic diet, when done without proper guidance and monitoring, can cause nutrient deficiencies, electrolyte imbalances, and potential damage to vital organs like the liver and kidneys. It's advisable to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before attempting a ketogenic diet.

5. Diets promoting excessive supplements or medications

Diets heavily relying on supplements or unregulated medications can be dangerous, as they might lack proper scientific testing or oversight. Your overall health should never be compromised by unproven or potentially harmful substances.

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