Published By: Admin

Job Searching? Five Things to Avoid Doing

The woes of job seekers could be diminished once these errors are eliminated. . .

The soul-sucking journey of job applications has got candidates demotivated and unwilling to look for new positions. It is a rigamarole which causes applicants to lose their bargaining powers and the quantum of power squarely rests on the employers. So, what complicates job haunting in the present scenario?

The Horrors of Job Haunting Are True

Job search is a tricky process. With all the internal hiring, constricted labour market, a delegation of candidate selection to upper management, and AI biases, it has become tougher for candidates to even bag an interview. Nonetheless, it is never wise to underestimate the power of a sorted application process that at least gives you the limelight—a fair chance at getting the desired position.

Blunders that Delay Getting a Job

Five absolute blunders with a reputation to nullify the probabilities of getting a job--

Not Optimising Digital Presence 

Undoubtedly, the virtual platform is where you sell your skills, convince recruiters about your eligibility, and showcase project work. The online world has been leveraged by many professionals who want to put their work ethics, ideas, innovation, professionalism, and talent to connect with recruiters across the globe. Recruiters do not hesitate to shortlist candidates based on virtual interactions. So, it is time to buckle up and strengthen your virtual profile to avoid missing potential offers.

Mass Applying to Positions 

This is a strategy handed down to us by the previous generations. Contrary to popular belief, applying to jobs en masse practically creates a conundrum in the entire search process. Besides complicating the process, mass application takes an emotional toll and accelerates the possibilities of negative outcomes. Often, this equates to recruiters calling and receiving you quite dumbfounded on the other end because you probably have no clue for which position they are calling. Losing track of application is one con, while the other big challenge is failing to make sense of what you want and how you are priced at the marketplace.

Sending Long Resumes 

In an era of skimming thorough documents, curating long paragraphs in resumes is really a bummer. Be it a fresher or an experienced resume, brevity is the keyword here. Ideally, resumes should be informative, crisp, and relevant without being boastful. It should be formatted in a manner that deftly highlights the key facts. Lengthy resumes certainly eclipse all the important information you want to share and instead overwhelm the reader with its bulk of details. 

Here are five additional components of a good resume that enhance its usefulness:

  • Line spacing
  • Font style
  • Font size
  • Page layout
  • margins

when at a loss, opting for a professional resume writing service could be a good start to grasp the basics of curating a good resume.

Improvising at Interviews 

The act of going to an interview without the slightest preparation has all the chances of making it a whole train wreck. Often you are taken aback by the questions, tend to stutter, give wrong answers, skip the important info, and appear underconfident for the position. Preparing at home with mock interviews and glancing through tutorials before appearing in front of seasoned interviewers reduce the risks of unanticipated errors. The unpreparedness makes you seem evidently lacking in potential and vigour for the position. 

Not Preparing a Set of Job-Related Questions

When an interviewer asks about a candidate’s questions, they are trying to fathom their knowledge and interest in the job and the organisation. Not picking this cue is massively disappointing to the recruiters. Not having a couple of pertinent questions not only makes you appear disinterested but also acutely lacking in the capacity to brainstorm.