Published By: Admin

Human Rights Day: What Are Human Rights And Why Should You Even Care?

If you wanna eat an apple, no one can make you eat a lemon instead! That's the freedom you get just by being a human!

Human rights, although a widely recognized phrase, remains elusive to many, often seen as an abstract concept reserved for the privileged or influential. It's crucial to understand that human rights are a universal entitlement, applicable to all. Developing a deeper comprehension of human rights can prove advantageous in our daily lives. As we celebrate Human Rights Day on December 10th, it presents an ideal opportunity for each of us to acquaint ourselves with the notion of human rights, as it has the potential to empower us in our day-to-day pursuits and existence.

The right to be respected

As human beings, we are inherently entitled to respect and recognition from other humans! This universal respect and recognition should be extended to all, regardless of their financial status, religious affiliation, or societal caste structures. The fundamental idea is to ensure that every individual, whether you're in a high-ranking position in an office, a regular employee, or an intern, is granted equal basic human rights. This concept is designed to safeguard and uphold the dignity and respect of every person.

When you, as a human being, are aware of your rights, it becomes much more challenging for anyone to mistreat you based on societal factors like class or caste. Moreover, this knowledge of your human rights also empowers you to treat others, including your juniors and interns, with the same respect you afford your superiors. Understanding human rights allows us to foster a shared belief in human well-being and the creation of an equitable environment where everyone can not only survive but thrive!

The right to access basic amenities

As human beings, we have a deep-rooted entitlement to basic necessities like education, clean drinking water, jobs, and a place to call home. Unfortunately, in various situations, these fundamental rights are unjustly denied. Knowledge of human rights serves as a compass that guides us on how we should be treated and what we should rightfully have.

To simplify this concept further, understanding human rights makes it clear that education is a fundamental human right, and it should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of their social standing. Similarly, being well-informed about human rights enlightens us about the basic human right to safe drinking water, which remains unattainable or excessively expensive for many in our world. Being knowledgeable about human rights equips us with an awareness of our rights and entitlements, which we may have been unjustly deprived of or persuaded to relinquish. It gives us the ability to advocate for these rights, thereby securing a fairer and more just society that benefits all.

The right to live as you wish

One of the most critical aspects to grasp about human rights is this: every one of us, simply by being human, possesses the right to lead our lives as we see fit, as long as our choices do not harm others. But what does it truly mean to "live life as we wish"? It implies having the freedom to make choices about what we eat, what we wear, where we reside, how we structure our lives, and with whom we choose to share our existence. This life that is uniquely ours is safeguarded and enhanced by the recognition of human rights. As individuals brought into this world, we naturally acquire these rights, without being beholden to anyone or subjected to undue control, to enjoy and embrace our lives. A fundamental understanding of human rights can emancipate us from fear and undue influence!

The slogan for this year's Human Rights Day, "Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All," resonates with the noble aspiration of creating a world that's more peaceful, where every individual enjoys equal human rights and opportunities. As we mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, let's seize the moment to appreciate the incredible gift of life as humans. To reach our full potential and lead fulfilling lives, we must embrace our human rights and strive to be our best selves!