How To Look After Your Child's School Shoes

Have you recently spent a great sum on a new pair of shoes for school? Here are some ways to keep them looking new.

Although children typically do not treat their shoes with the attention they need, it is possible to extend the life of their school footwear for as long as they continue to grow into them.

Preserving Your Children's School Shoes

These are six things you can do to make sure their shoes last as long as possible:

Tag them

Young people in general are notorious misplacers. Shoes are often misplaced or jumbled up during physical education class. Insert a label with their name or write their name in permanent marker on the inside of each shoe. If the writing begins to fade, rewrite the name. The first thing you need to do to make your school shoes last longer and take better care of them is to not lose them.

The use of a waterproofing spray will increase their durability

Keeping the water out and extending the life of your shoes by waterproofing them is a must if you want to wear them to school. Leather may shrink if exposed to water, and with time, leather can dry up, so protecting them from the elements is a good idea.

Keep in mind that not all waterproof shoe sprays are created equal before you rush out and buy the first one you find. You should choose a waterproof spray for your shoes that doesn't include any fluorine or perfluorocarbons.

If they become wet, make sure to dry them well

It's inevitable that kids' shoes will become wet. In the event that their shoes get wet, they shouldn't be dried on a radiator or other heat source, or put through a tumble dryer. Instead, you should put balls of crumpled newspaper into your child's school shoes to keep them in good condition. The shoes should be let out to air dry. The newspaper will soak up the liquid without damaging the leather by drying it out.

Polish your shoes

Shoes worn to school will inevitably get dirty and worn. A scuff cover is the most convenient method to protect them from wear and tear. To keep your shoes looking new for longer, you may use these items to effortlessly conceal scuff marks and restore colour and shine.

Conquer Nasty Niffs Naturally

Don't panic if you notice a musty smell coming from your child's footwear. Baking soda is a natural way to get rid of odours like these.