Mindfulness For Little Minds: 10 Calming Activities To Promote Relaxation

Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment, is not just for adults.

It's a powerful tool that can help children navigate through stress, build concentration, and cultivate empathy. Here are ten calming activities that can introduce mindfulness to little minds.

Breathing Buddies

This activity involves children lying down with a stuffed animal on their bellies. As they breathe in and out, they watch their "breathing buddy" rise and fall. This helps them focus on their breath, a fundamental aspect of mindfulness.

Mindful Eating

Turn snack time into a mindfulness exercise. Encourage children to eat slowly, savouring each bite, and paying attention to the taste, texture, and smell of their food. This practice not only promotes mindfulness but also fosters a healthier relationship with food.

Nature Walks

Take children on a nature walk, encouraging them to use all their senses to explore their surroundings. The sounds of birds, the smell of flowers, the feel of the wind - all these experiences bring children into the present moment.

Yoga for Kids

Yoga is a great way to introduce mindfulness to children. Simple poses, combined with deep breathing, can help children connect with their bodies and calm their minds. There are many resources available online for kid-friendly yoga routines.

Mindful Colouring

Colouring is a relaxing activity that can help children focus and calm down. Provide them with colouring books and crayons, and encourage them to pay attention to the colours they choose and the sensation of the crayon on the paper.

Gratitude Jar

Create a gratitude jar where children can write down things they are grateful for. This practice not only promotes mindfulness but also cultivates a positive mindset.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery involves reading or telling a story that guides children through a mental journey. This activity can help children relax, reduce stress, and boost creativity.

Sensory Bins

Sensory bins filled with materials like sand, water beads, or rice can provide a calming sensory experience for children. Encourage them to explore the bin with their hands, paying attention to the texture and temperature of the materials.

Mindful Listening

Play a variety of sounds and ask children to listen carefully. This could be natural sounds, like waves or birdsong, or musical instruments. This activity helps children focus their attention and develop their listening skills.

Body Scan Meditation

A body scan meditation involves focusing on different parts of the body and noticing any sensations. This can be a calming bedtime activity that helps children relax and prepare for sleep.