Here's how to keep your animals disease-free during the rainy season

Rainy season can be icky as it is with the mud and constant water around

But it can be especially difficult for your furry friends…

You may not know, but the monsoons can bring in several diseases for your pets.

So here we will share a few tips and tricks to keep your pets disease-free during the monsoons…

The way you would take precautionary measures to stay away from diseases or any sort of illness, it is essential to make sure that your pets too stay away from the same. Monsoons are known for spreading illness and all sorts of nasty bacteria due to the heavy presence of moisture in the air. Fevers and infections are very common for pets during the rainy season. So, it is vital to take good care of them. So here we will give you a few tips on how to take good care of them…

Keep it warm and dry.

It is very necessary to keep your home environment warm and dry for your pets. The floors can become really cold during monsoons, and if your pets have a habit of sitting on the ground, chances are they might fall sick. So make sure to place some dry rugs or pet beds around for them to be comfortable in. Also, make sure to clean them dry if they get wet in the rain!

Drinking water should be clean and boiled.

Pets tend to drink water from washbasins or clogged spaces around the house. This can lead to several water-borne diseases. So, always keep a bowl of clean water around them for them to drink whenever they are thirsty. Maybe even keep a bowl outside so that they do not drink the toxic rainwater.

Keep an eye on what they eat.

You need to make sure that your pets have a fibre-rich diet. Food that will enable good digestion and also keep their body healthy is essential. Many pets tend to eat lizards or insects, but this can be extremely toxic for them. Especially during the monsoons, even biting these can spread toxins n the body of your pets.

De-worm and vaccinate

This is probably one of the most important things to do. If you have a new puppy or kitten, make sure to vaccinate them and also de-worm them before the onset of rain. Even for your older pets, a de-worming won't be a bad idea at all!