Health benefits of almond milk

Substitute normal milk for almond milk to experience its many health benefits.

A nutritious and low-calorie drink, almond milk has become popular. It is made by grinding the almond, which is mixed with water and filtered to create a drink that resembles milk. Having a nutty flavour, almond milk is loaded with calcium, vitamin E, vitamin D and riboflavin.

While it is popular among vegans, everyone else is also trying the milk for its health benefits. And below we give you some of those benefits.

  1. Low in calories
As compared to cow’s milk, almond milk is very low in calories. This might be confusing as almonds are generally high in fat and calories. But the way almond milk is processed, a very small portion of almonds remains in the milk. Therefore, it is a great option for people looking to cut on calories and lose weight.
  1. Dairy-free
Since almond milk does not contain any animal products, it is a great option for vegans and those who are lactose tolerant or have milk allergies.
  1. Reduces risk of heart diseases
Almond milk does not contain any cholesterol and saturated fat. Additionally, it is also high in healthy fats and low in sodium that helps prevent heart diseases and high blood pressure. Also, the vitamin E and other bioactive plant compounds in almonds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help maintain heart health.
  1. Improves bone health
While it might not offer as much calcium as cow’s milk, almond milk meets 30% of the daily-recommended calcium intake and 25% of the daily-recommended amount of vitamin D. The combination of both reduces the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis and promotes healthy bones and teeth.\
  1. Reduces risk of diabetes
With no additives, almond milk is low in carbs and, therefore, does not increase your blood sugar levels and reduces the risk for diabetes. The body will use the carbs as energy, thus, not storing the sugar as fats because of its low glycemic index.
  1. Source of magnesium
Almond milk is rich in magnesium – a mineral that is one of the four most common minerals required in your body. Magnesium is also a necessary part for more than three hundred enzyme reactions, controlling blood sugar levels and use of energy in the body.

You can either use store-bought almond milk or make it at home if you are feeling adventurous.

It is easy to add to your diet, as you have to replace everything in your daily diet that calls for cow’s milk with almond milk.