Published By: Admin

Green Living: Eco-Friendly Practices For A Sustainable Lifestyle

Go green, live green

Nowadays, one can witness a positive growth of all things green in all walks of life by following the “green” and eco-friendly path and adopting ways that make a sustainable lifestyle  the new way of life. From reducing food waste and energy consumption to implementing ways to reduce your carbon footprint and using local products, living an eco-friendly lifestyle not only aims to heal the planet but also brings an overall positive vibe to the mind and the soul. Consciously switching to renewable energy and consciously choosing a cleaner and more ethical path leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions while making our lives extremely energy efficient.

In this age where less is  more, there are several simple steps you can take to make sustainable living the new mantra.

Save water and electricity

Who leaves the tap running when brushing their teeth or washing dishes?But is it worth saving a few seconds by turning off the tap and wasting so much water? In a world where many are not fortunate enough to have clean water, it makes most sense for us to conserve as much as we can whenever we can. Avoid releasing detergents and toxins into  water supply systems and use bottled water to reduce contamination. On the other hand, washing clothes in cold water while limiting  hot water consumption and using energy-efficient appliances to heat water  are some of the many ways to be environmentally conscious.


There is nothing better than saving energy, giving something back to nature and staying fit. Walking allows you to do all this and ensures that you keep your body and mind physically active, which is another need of the hour in the digital age.

This drastically reduces your energy consumption.Next time, instead of driving everywhere, save gas and consider walking or taking public transportation to your destination. Also leave the elevator from time to time and take the stairs. Not only will you save energy and resources, but you will also burn some calories and reduce your carbon footprint.

Goodbye plastic

Look around and you will find lots of plastic products, an undeniable part of our “comfortable” lifestyle. From unimaginable quantities of plastic bottles to plastic bags, plastic surrounds us  in every way that makes it seem like an indispensable part of our lives.However, the planet has to pay the price for this lifestyle. Because plastic is not biodegradable, it is extremely toxic to the environment.

Reduce food waste

If you only buy  what you  end up using instead of stocking up on unnecessary supplies, not only is it  sustainable in the long run, but your wallet will thank you too. Start  using loose leaf tea instead of plastic tea bags, ditch paper towels, and use reusable cloth towels in the kitchen.


Living sustainably doesn't mean throwing away non-environmentally friendly products and buying ecological products, but simply  making the most of what you already have. Among other things, you can donate clothing, recycle old furniture, trade books, make decorative items from your own containers and jars, and buy used ones.