Folic Acid Foods You Should Consume

This nutrient can do wonderful things for your body.

Folic acid is an important nutrient. Getting a healthy dose of it could help you feel energetic, improve concentration, as well as strengthen muscles. Even though many use a supplement to provide their body with this nutrient, many foods contain folic acid. Here are some foods you should consume regularly.

1 Beans

If you are looking for folic acid in beans, chose black-eyed peas. The second best option is kidney beans. They are good even if they come out of a can. However, if you are trying to reduce the amount of sodium you consume, rinse the canned version before you cook it. You can have it for breakfast or in a burrito. Another option, make a one-pot curry dish the whole family can enjoy.

2 Broccoli

Broccoli is loaded with nutrients, including folic acid. It is also a good source of fibre, potassium, and vitamin C. Instead of boiling this vegetable, steam them so you get the most out of it. You can consume this for dinner or make a soup out of it. You could also toss it in a salad.

3 Asparagus

When it comes to folic acid, asparagus is loaded with it. Consuming at least 20 spears will provide your body with what it needs. You can make a salad with it or roast them. Just make sure to add a bit of salt and pepper before you consume them. Grilling them is also just as good.

4 Spinach

SPINACH is loaded with vital nutrients your body needs. It also contains folic acid, which could help improve your overall health in splendid ways. However, to get the most out of it you should cook it the right way. Sautee them in oil and add a little salt and pepper to taste.

5 Banana

There are plenty of good reasons to eat a banana daily. It is also loaded with folic acid. The best thing about this fruit is that they are available almost anywhere. You can throw it in your smoothie or consume one with your breakfast.

6 Brussels sprouts

This one may not be anyone's favourite vegetable, but there is a reason it is popular. It contains a lot of nutrition your body needs, including folic acid. Consuming this vegetable can do your body a world of good. Roast them and add some salt and pepper to taste.