Find Your Power Color According To Your Zodiac Sign To Bring Out The Best In You

Find out which color can bring out the best in you!

Colors are carriers of energy, and some colors can improve your confidence, empower strength, calm restless energy, and help you shine. Much like crystals, making color alterations in your wardrobe can change the energy in your sphere. Adding different hues to your wardrobe and beauty cabinet can serve as a form of manifestation. Finding your power color according to your zodiac sign can help you attract positive vibes and align your innermost desires with you. Read on!

Aries — Red

Red stirs the soul of Aries, enhancing their energy, passion, and initiative. This color stands for assertion and excitement, supporting the active nature of Aries, and their passion for life.

Taurus — Raspberry Sorbet

Raspberry Sorbet embraces and ignites the indulgent energy of Taurus — specifically, their inherent sensual desires. Sporting this color will rekindle the passion and keep it alive.

Gemini — Yellow

Yellow can boost a Gemini’s spirit and activate brilliant thoughts and curiosity. This life-giving and inspiring color compliments the upbeat and exciting nature of Gemini.

Cancer — Silver

Silver helps this zodiac connect with its intuition, and it also symbolizes purity. Silver increases the understanding and sensitivity of Cancer, aiding the flow of love.

Leo — Gold

Gold will enable a Leo to embrace their regalness while boosting confidence (more than ever). This flashy color can make a Leo feel divine and delightful.

Virgo color — Green

Green can keep Virgos focused on their growth. This hue promotes stability and supports growth while strengthening a Virgo’s determination and dedication toward self-improvement.

Libra — Burnt Coral

This color can motivate Libras to effectively mend the existing differences with people and unite with them.

Scorpio — Black

This mysterious color helps Scorpios maintain an intensely inquisitive persona and stay focused on their transformation. Black symbolizes the depths where this water sign resides, and it helps them strengthen their ability to look beyond what lies on the surface.

Sagittarius — Purple

Purple represents awareness and spirituality, pushing the philosophical mind of a Sagittarius toward openness and enlightenment. It also promotes abundance and attracts positive energy.

Capricorn — Brown

This earthy neutral tone can help Capricorn seek their most practical and strongest path in life. Brown can enhance their solidity, traditionalism, and reliability.

Aquarius — Cerulean Blue

Sporting this airy shade of sky blue will push an Aquarius to embrace their inherent optimism and hope, and help them focus on the brighter sides of everything in life.

Pisces — Light green

Pale green promotes healing, enabling Pisces to connect with their subconscious. This color represents inspiration and renewal, encouraging rejuvenating and healing energies.

Follow this color guide on your special days to activate good luck and positive energies.