Few money mistakes that often woman makes

You are multi-tasker, managing your house, work and children simultaneously. But you often forget to take care of the most important thing, your money.

Women are the heart and soul of the family. They are superwoman, managing everything from the office, to home. Seldom do any detail left uncheck by the lady of the house. But when it comes to her, they often overlook the most important thing, finances. In today’s day and age, we, women need to be vigilant about our personal finances and avoid these mistakes.

  1. No knowledge about the finances
The most common mistake woman commit is having absolutely no knowledge about the finances. How to save or grow money. Women should educate themselves about saving, investing and plan your hard-earned money. Remember nobody would teach you financial literacy, you have to try and accumulate knowledge yourself.
  1. The common excuse, I make less money, there is no need for me to learn money management
The woman, most of the times, consider themselves the source of secondary income in the family. The belief that they don’t make enough money to learn some financial management. No matter what you do, how much you earn, it is very important to be vigilant about your money. Where are you spending it? How can you save and more importantly grow it?
  1. Letting your father and husband manage your finances
One of the biggest concerns of an average Indian household is that we depend on the males of the family to manage our finances. Even if you are a housewife, who is not paying EMIs, rents or bills, you still should be aware of where your money is going. Life is unpredictable; God forbid, if tomorrow you have to be in charge of the money, then you would squander your hard-earned money.
  1. Unnecessary shopping
Ladies, admit it, you are all guilty of this. Whether it is easing of recurring ”mom guilt” or making ourselves feel better on a bad day, shopping is the ultimate remedy. But that is where everything goes for a toss. Remember your budget, your long and short-term money goals. Think prudently, do you really need that pair of shoes or save for your dream house?
  1. I don’t know numbers
Women are generally paranoid about numbers and feel that they are ignorant about financial planning. Ladies, you take many difficult decisions in a jiffy, stop making a commotion regarding numbers.

Put yourself first; know your money better.