Earthquake Safety Procedure to Follow

Safety procedures to attend during an earthquake to keep yourself guarded during the natural destruction.

It goes without saying that the fire zone on earth experiences tremors almost daily. The slow-moving tectonic plates build stress on the upper mantle making the ground shake and we know the destruction that follows. Most occurring earthquakes are too mild for humans to feel, but very often, one will increase the magnitude and create devastation. Even though we cannot really predict when an earthquake will hit near, here are some safety precautions to keep you protected during the quake.

  1. Preparing Beforehand-
Keeping your home ready for an unforeseen tremor is very important. If you live in an old home devoid of earthquake proofing, you should get it checked by professionals to repair any weak point the foundation or structure might have that will cave in first to the quake. Make sure you look for signs of a crack on the walls and ceiling that have become feeble with time. Check for your gas connection, electronic appliances, wall studs and latches of cupboards.

Always keep an assembled safety kit ready with food, water and other supplies you may need for the next 72 hours. Keep in mind the needs of all your family members and pets while collecting things.

  1. When It Starts To Tremor-
This is probably the tricky part, but you must remain calm and swift at all cost. Here are three actions to do in the middle of the tremor.
  • Drop- 
Drop down on your hands and knees and restrict yourself from being knocked over. It also allows you to crawl into safety as quickly as possible.
  • Cover-
Protect your head and neck from debris that is likely to fall over the place. Find the nearest table you can crawl under and keep away from any tall furniture that is likely to topple on you. Never rush for doorways during an earthquake for in modern homes the rest of the house is built equally strong and won’t break apart till a major thrust occurs.
  • Hold-
Earthquake usually does not happen for more than a few minutes. While you have your place secured, do not move away from the site. If you are under a table, hold a leg of the table firmly during the quake. If you are standing on the interior wall of your house, continue to cover your head and neck.
  1. After It Subsides-
Earthquakes are often accompanied by aftershocks, and one must always stay alert. Keep a check for the electric lines, your appliances and keep your family together to take swifter actions.