Published By: Admin

Debunking the hair care myths you probably swear by!

Guess what? Turns out, oiling might not be the hair saviour we thought! Keep reading to find out more! 

It's common to encounter numerous peculiar yet allegedly effective hair care tips that promise longer, thicker, and shinier locks. Amidst the abundance of online information, it's crucial to distinguish between fact and fiction. In the quest for stunning hair, we might unintentionally follow damaging myths, perpetuating a cycle of harm. To break free and preserve those last strands, it's essential to discern the truth from misconceptions in the world of hair care. Let's navigate this journey together and adopt authentic solutions for healthier hair!

Trimming your hair frequently doesn't actually make it grow faster! 

Cutting your hair every month won't make it longer. Trimming your hair ends doesn't impact your scalp follicles, but scheduling a trim every six to eight weeks can effectively prevent split ends. Consistent trimming is key to halting the progression of split ends and maintaining healthy hair.

According to a study by The Trichological Society, hair usually grows between 0.5 and 1.7cm per month, depending on factors like genetics, gender, age, and nutrition. Even seasons can impact hair growth; it tends to grow faster in the summer due to enhanced blood circulation, while cold weather may divert blood flow to internal organs, potentially slowing down hair growth. 

Brushing your hair 100 times a day isn't necessary for healthy hair! 

Now, who's got time for a hundred strokes! Brushing your hair does help spread those natural oils, but let's be real, a hundred strokes is overkill and totally unnecessary. Keep it simple and practical! Brush your hair enough to get rid of those tangles; once it glides through smoothly, you're golden. And, hey, use a brush with soft bristles or a wide-tooth comb to keep things friendly. Some experts even say brushing your hair in the shower when it's wet can give you that smooth, frizz-free result, but we wouldn't really recommend it!

Shampoos alone may not be the sole solution to reducing hair fall! 

Shampoos are designed for cleaning your hair and scalp; they can't miraculously boost hair growth or alter its strength from the roots. The primary role of shampoo is to keep your hair free from dirt, dust, and product buildup to maintain overall health. So, those shampoos claiming to reduce hair fall or stimulate regrowth might not be entirely truthful! Your shampoo frequency should align with your routine and exposure to pollution. However, when it comes to the overall health of your hair, a significant factor lies in your diet. No external product can be a magic solution – it's what you feed your body that makes a real difference!

Oiling may not necessarily be the ultimate ‘secret’ for optimal hair health! 

It might ruffle some feathers, but the truth is, oiling doesn't really contribute to hair growth! Natural oils can't deeply penetrate your hair shaft for a long-term benefit. In fact, regular oiling can potentially lead to more damage, making your scalp oilier and more susceptible to dirt accumulation, especially in humid weather! 

The key to healthy hair growth lies in your nutrition – it's an internal process. While oiling can give you shiny hair when applied to the ends like any other mask or conditioner, a hot oil champi isn't the secret to Rapunzel's beautiful locks! 

Dandruff doesn't always indicate a dry scalp! 

There's no direct link between dandruff and a dry scalp. Dandruff is triggered by the fungus Malassezia, which thrives on the scalp's sebum. An oily environment is favourable for the growth of this fungus, so applying additional oil to your scalp, especially if you have dandruff, can worsen the condition.

So, go ahead and shampoo regularly, especially with an anti-dandruff shampoo. It not only maintains scalp health but also effectively tackles and prevents dandruff issues. 

Plucking grey hair won't multiply grey strands! 

The colour change in our hair, turning grey or white, is due to the absence of melanin as cells stop its production in the hair follicle. Plucking grey hair won't increase the number of grey strands, but this habit can potentially disturb neighbouring roots, leading to hair loss or weakening! 

It's advisable to avoid plucking grey hair, as it can result in thinning, scarring and may even prevent regrowth at that specific spot. Choosing not to pluck grey hair is a wise decision to maintain overall hair health. 

Exposure to myths or false information over time can lead us to believe in them. Many hair care myths become ingrained in our routines, and it's essential to debunk them to embrace the truth for healthier and more luscious hair. Letting go of long-held misconceptions is the first step towards achieving and maintaining amazing hair!