Published By: Admin

Busting the myths related to hair fall in men

Dear men, we get it, hair fall is your biggest fear. It is important to prevent it but it is more important Are you tired of hearing the same old myths about hair fall in men? It's time to set the record straight and debunk some common misconceptions that may be causing unnecessary worry.

Rumours are scary, myths are scarier. They not only prevent you from doing what you do but also instils a sense of fear inside you. When it comes to hair fall in men, there are a lot of myths that need to be busted. Let’s talk about them.

Baldness comes from your mother's side of the family – It’s time to stop blaming your mom for your hair fall. While genetics do play a role in hair loss, it's not as simple as blaming one parent. In reality, both your maternal and paternal sides contribute to your genetic makeup, including factors that can influence hair health.

Research suggests that genes from both parents can impact hair loss patterns. The inheritance of certain genes linked to male pattern baldness may increase the likelihood of experiencing hair fall.

Frequent shampooing causes hair fall - This is something that we’ve heard very often and it's time to debunk this common myth once and for all. The truth is that frequent shampooing does not directly cause hair loss. Keeping your scalp clean and free of dirt and excess oil is essential for maintaining healthy hair.

Using a mild shampoo suitable for your hair type can actually promote good scalp health by removing build-up and allowing the follicles to breathe. Excessive use of harsh chemicals or hot water can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and potential breakage.

Wearing hats or caps can make you go bald - The idea that covering your head leads to hair loss is simply not true. While it's essential to keep your scalp clean and well-ventilated, wearing headgear has no direct correlation with baldness.

Hair follicles are not affected by the occasional use of hats or caps. It's more about how you care for your scalp underneath the hat rather than blaming the hat itself for any potential hair issues.

Shaving your head will make hair grow back thicker - There is a popular belief that shaving your head will make your hair grow back thicker. Many men have tried this method in hopes of achieving a fuller head of hair. However, the idea that shaving can stimulate hair growth is simply a myth.

Hair thickness and growth are determined by genetics, hormones, and overall health, not by the act of shaving. When you shave your head, it may feel like new hair grows back thicker because the cut hairs have blunt ends instead of tapered ones. This gives the illusion of increased thickness but does not actually change the density or texture of your hair.

Massaging your scalp can prevent hair loss - Massaging your scalp can prevent hair loss by promoting blood circulation, which helps nourish the hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. While it may not completely stop genetic or hormonal causes of baldness, regular scalp massage can improve the overall health of your hair.

If you hear any of these myths related to hair fall in men, remember these points to separate fact from fiction and take good care of your locks.