Brace Yourself For a New Genre of Music; It Blends Space with Art!

The world premiere outside Washington last week of "Cosmic Cycles" showcased vivid imagery compiled by the US space agency NASA alongside the first-ever public performance of the music. 

There is a quiet imagery that is pictured in our minds about space and things related to it. Even though the space has been associated with loud collisions and commotions that started the existence of life, there is quite a tranquil atmosphere around it. What if we informed you that the latest mind-blowing photos from NASA have inspired the composition of a "space symphony"?

Composer's statement 

Henry Dehlinger, the symphony's American composer, said that the music is "almost like a total artwork".

"It's not just music, it's not just visuals -- it's not a score for a film either," the 56-year-old told AFP before the concert, as quoted by WION.

"It's more of an immersive experience that encapsulates both visuals and sound." 

Previous attempts 

The English musician Gustav Holst attempted something similar almost a hundred years ago. He penned the well-known "The Planets" ode. Though most of astrophysics at that point was still hypothetical.

Since then, a lot has transpired. Astonishingly advanced telescopes are now capable of exploring the furthest regions of space, while humans have travelled to the Moon and sent rovers to Mars.

Dehlinger was motivated by the pictures gathered from that investigation, which NASA filmmakers turned into seven short films.

"I had to almost pinch myself and remind myself that this isn't pretend -- this is the real deal. Not science fiction, it's the actual science," he said.

The symphony 

There are seven parts to it. It starts with pictures of the sun, the centre of our solar system, showing its bubbling and whirling surface as well as an explosion of particles that reach the planets.

Our own planet, Earth, is the focus of the next two movements. Using images of Earth acquired by astronauts gives a global viewpoint. Profiles of each planet, with a focus on photos of the Moon, are shown after a fourth segment on the Moon.