Published By: Admin

Are You Getting Ghosted? Check Out Five Ways to Positively Respond and Cope With Ghosting and Move On Gracefully

Ghosting is a negative dating trend that is here to stay, but here are some tips to help you cope positively.

Anyone can get ghosted. Let's assume, you have been speaking to someone you met online for a while; perhaps you might have even hung out a couple of times. Suddenly, one day, they sever contact with you without any explanation. Getting ghosted is never easy and may take a toll on your emotional well-being, and often victims of ghosting are clueless about how to respond to the situation—or if they should at all respond.

There are many ways of coping with ghosting, from the person who slowly fades by diminishing the frequency of calls and texts to the one who disappears overnight. Check out five ways to positively respond and cope with ghosting and move on gracefully.

Embrace the reality

Every event in our life comes with a lesson. However, some lessons are quite painful to deal with and you don’t need a certified psychologist to convey that.

When unforeseen breakups come your way, you must always remind yourself that it is better to find out who you were dealing with early on than to realize it later when things get more serious. Expressing gratitude every time a situation disappoints you can help cope with the pain — with grace.

Respect what you are feeling.

It is essential to process your feelings. Your primary focus should be on yourself when you get ghosted by your date because—chances are—there are no logical reasons why things turned out that way.

You may reevaluate the minor details: Had I confirmed the plan to meet? Was I not clear while communicating my feelings? Did I say something that offended him/her? Regardless of what you do, remember—getting ghosted is never about you.

You may send a final text to seek closure.

You may send something like: "Hi, would you like to tell me what happened?" And wait to see if they text back. But do not spend your entire day waiting on your phone anxiously. Establish a time frame in your mind, to determine how long you expect to wait to hear from them after leaving your message. If you don't hear from them, do not text or call again. Accept the situation and move on.

Don't rant on your social media.

It is crucial to honor your prestige and beautiful self by not allowing your frustration or anger to get the worst of you, urging you to post on social media, revealing to the world what you endured. Remember, you may delete the post later, but it will leave a digital footprint out there. Instead of letting it out on social media, text or call someone you trust and vent to them for positive affirmation, suggesting that your anger and frustration are natural.

Remember, ghosting is about them and not you.

You must understand that ghosting stems from poor communication skills and immaturity. Even if you repeatedly text them seeking closure— chances are— they may leave your text at read — and even if they respond, it may seem insincere.

Again, you have to remember, this has nothing to do with you. Perhaps, it is just a reflection of their insincerity. While it is natural to feel hurt after facing rejection in love, do not be critical of yourself—and you need to allow yourself some space to evaluate your feelings.

Bottom Line: dating always comes with the risk of getting ghosted. People you have spoken to a couple of times might disappear into thin air, and others might stop responding to your calls and texts after going on a couple of dates. But you have to keep in mind that ghosting is not a reflection of your worth or what you deservebut the maturity level of the ghoster. Do not allow their disrespectful and selfish behavior to bring you down. So, move on with grace!