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Imaginationship, new TikTok term- what is it

Imaginationship isn't just some newfangled craze. Imaginationships are just another way of saying unrequited love, a tale as old as time.

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern romance, there's a new buzzword on the block: imaginationship. But what exactly is this whimsically titled dating trend, and why is it taking the world by storm? Are imaginationships the ultimate escape or merely a flight of fancy?

Imagine this: you're crushing hard on someone, and instead of mustering the courage to make a move, you find yourself lost in a world of daydreams where you and your crush are the stars of a romantic saga. That, my friends, is the essence of an imaginationship—a relationship that exists solely in the fertile grounds of your imagination.

So, just how famous is this phenomenon? Well, if TikTok's 14.5 million views under the #imaginationship hashtag are anything to go by, it's safe to say imaginationships have captured the hearts and minds of many daydreamers worldwide. From fantasizing about dream weddings to envisioning a future family, the imaginationship knows no bounds when it comes to crafting the perfect romantic narrative.

But let's get real for a moment. How relatable is the imaginationship trend? If you've ever found yourself lost in reverie, concocting elaborate scenarios with your crush while waiting for your latte at Starbucks, congratulations—you're already a card-carrying member of the imaginationship club. It's the ultimate form of escapism, offering a brief reprieve from the complexities of real-life dating.

Of course, like any trend, imaginationships come with their fair share of pros and cons. On the bright side, they provide a safe space for exploration, allowing you to ponder the qualities you value in a partner and indulge in flights of fancy without the risk of rejection or heartbreak. Plus, who doesn't love a good daydream?

Sure, TikTok might've made the term imaginationship trendy, but it's been around the block. Urban Dictionary's had it listed since 2009, describing it as this sort of almost-relationship that exists mainly in your hopeful imagination. Bit sad when you put it that way, but hey, we've all been there.

So, is it harmless? Totally! It's like having a little playground in your mind where you can explore different scenarios without hurting anyone (except maybe yourself) Finding out what matters through playing out scenarios in your head does have some perks.

You realize what kind of relationship you want

If you're dreaming up weddings and mini-yous with your crush, it's a clue that family might be a big deal for you. If you are looking for some steamy action in your mind, it tells you are ready…for steamy actions. Whatever scenarios you are playing in your head, says a lot about what you want in a romance.

Spotting partner qualities

Your imaginary crush probably has qualities you dig. They might not actually be the person you are imagining them to be but since you are imagining set qualities in your head, those are sincerely the ones you are looking for in your partner. It's like your subconscious giving you a cheat sheet for what you want in a real-life partner.

Time for self-reflection

Your mind's a goldmine of self-discovery. Exploring these daydreams can help you learn a lot about yourself, making you a better catch in the dating pool.

Avoiding the duds and chads

Just 'cause you're crushing hard doesn't mean they're relationship material. By keeping things in your head, you might dodge a bullet or two.

While imaginationships may offer temporary solace, they can also serve as a distraction from genuine connection and intimacy. After all, there's a vast chasm between the perfect partner you've conjured up in your mind and the flawed, wonderfully human beings we encounter in real life.