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All Set For International Day Of Yoga: How Are Yoga And Ayurveda Related?

Did you know yoga and ayurveda share the same Vedic roots?

"Science of yoga and Ayurveda is subtler than the science of medicine because the science of medicine is often the victim of statistical manipulation.” - Amit Ray (Author & Spiritual Master)

The International Day of Yoga (June 21) is drawing near, and the whole world is now gearing up to celebrate the power of yoga in promoting health and spirituality. Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries and is now recognized in the West as well. And whenever it's a discussion about yoga, another ancient practice that comes simultaneously is Ayurveda. Both originated in India, share the same Vedic roots, and are interrelated in various ways. One helps to maintain harmony between the body and the soul, while another focuses on dietary and lifestyle changes to promote better health. Together, they form a complete healing system!

"He or she whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good, whose dhatus (tissues) are functioning normally, whose malas are in balance, and whose self, mind, and senses remain full of bliss, is called a healthy person.” - Sushruta Samhita

So, ahead of the International Day of Yoga, let's understand how yoga and ayurveda are related!

The Common Principles

Both yoga and ayurveda originated in ancient India, about 5000 years ago. Hence, the two practices complement each other in terms of their philosophies. Yoga involves various techniques (such as asana, pranayama, etc.) that help create a balance between the body, mind, and spirit, advocating for a lifestyle that aligns with the rhythm of nature. On the other hand, the main principle of Ayurveda is also to maintain a balance between the three doshas - vata, pitta, and kapha. So, when combined together, both systems go hand-in-hand to maintain harmony.  

Moreover, both practices advocate the use of a balanced diet, meditation, prayers, sleep, and rituals.

The Shared Goals

Yoga treats the root causes of illnesses and promotes long-term vitality. Ayurveda, too, focuses on healing your body from the inside, elevating your well-being. So, it's clear that the two practices share the same goal, which is to help you achieve the best version of yourself. And both advocate for not just physical health but also mental and spiritual well-being. Both emphasize the importance of maintaining a balance of doshas (tumors), dhatus (tissues), and malas (waste products). And both aim to achieve the four goals of life: Dharma (duty), Kama (desire), Artha (wealth), and Moksha (liberation). The metaphysical anatomy is also there in both practices, which include 7 main chakras (energy centers), 72,000 nadis (subtle channels), 5 bodily sheaths, and the kundalini shakti (central energy).

What Happens When You Combine Yoga & Ayurveda?

Yoga supports Ayurveda, and vice versa. When you combine (and implement properly) both practices in your everyday lifestyle, it benefits your physical and mental health enormously. For instance, yoga helps boost the functioning of your digestive system, while Ayurveda advocates for the consumption of healthy food that aids in digestion. Also, several yoga postures are directly associated with better cardiovascular health, and Ayurveda also helps improve heart health by keeping a balance between the three doshas.

Ayurveda focuses on a balanced diet that eventually makes it easier for you to perform yoga. Together, they help enhance flexibility, improve bone health, promote cognitive skills, reduce stress levels, and boost skin and hair health.

So, by adopting both practices, one can cultivate a harmonious lifestyle, and lead a disease-free life. And it also helps make you more spiritual, shaping how you perceive the world!