A guide for growing Microgreens at home

There is nothing to worry just a few things and start growing The first true leaves produced from a seedling of vegetables and herbs that are about two-three inches tall, Microgreens are not to be confused with sprouts or shoots. Varieties of plants like turnips, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, chard, lettuce, spinach, arugula, amaranth, cabbage, beets, parsley and basil can be grown as a microgreen that can be an easy nutritious addition to your daily meals. These are vegetable greens that harvested just after the cotyledon leaves have developed. Not only are these microgreens used as nutrition supplement, but add a great deal of visual enhancement, flavor and texture. So to grow microgreens at home here are the few things that you would require. All you need is seeds, growing trays, a medium, a perfect spot with natural light, and a water spray bottle. Location: Think of building a microgreen garden only if you have a perfect spot inside the house that has ample natural light. Make sure space is not around excess water flow or dryness. Prepare your growing tray: Best advice would be to re-use an old container but make sure it is disinfected and dry. Now start filling the tray or trays with an inch or so of moist - not wet – soil and level it by dragging or pressing a piece of cardboard across the soil surface. Prepare the seeds: Remember if you are intending on using large seeds or seeds with hard hull, make sure to soak them in water overnight or for a few hours prior to sowing. Now spread the seeds evenly across the entire surface of the soil, and sprinkle a little bit of soil or the growing medium over them. Let seeds set into the soil: Once you are done sprinkling another layer of soil over the seeds, press them into the soil as it will help them establish good soil contact allowing them to absorb more moisture and encourages germination and growth. Cover: Now cover your trays and wait for them to sprout. There are many seeds that don’t require light at all to germinate but what they need is moisture. You can either use a plastic bag or plastic wrap to let the germination get into its beginning stage. Water when needed: Trays placed ona windowsill or in the open air will need to be sprayed water at least once a day. The important thing is to keep the seeds moist, not wet, until they germinate. Once the seeds have sprouted, spraying once or twice a day is okay. Once the microgreens have developed a set of true leaves, they are ready to harvest. Enjoy!