4 Steps You Need To Take To Make Your Office Desk More Ergonomic

Stop doing whatever it is you're doing and hold the posture you're in. Take a look at your physique now. Is there any place that's aching, like your neck? Just how bad is it? After all that typing and texting, are your wrists and fingers in good health? Working long hours at a desk has taken its toll on your body, and you've complained about it (and then totally ignored it). With no apparent cure, it's easy to ignore the little aches and pains of daily life. If you're fortunate, your organisation may provide ergonomic consulting to its employees. Because not many people have access to these amenities, it is time to take matters into your own hands. Step 1: Sit properly First, find your natural position. Sit comfortably in your chair, one hand distance from the desk. It should resemble sitting in a car for the majority of people. Lie back, with your feet flat on the floor in front of you, hands clasped in your lap and your shoulders relaxed. Isn't it cosy? The term "natural posture" refers to the way you naturally sit or stand. Make a mental note of how you naturally stand. It will be difficult to break the habit of "sitting up straight" and "tucking in" our tailbones, but with practice, it will get better. Step 2: Know where to put the keyboard and mouse With your elbows at your sides and your arms at or below a 90-degree angle, the keyboard and mouse should be placed in a way that mimics your natural posture. By doing so, you lessen the tension on your muscles. Step 3: Set up your monitor It's not difficult to set up a screen or displays. Avoid turtling, or craning your neck. This happens when you're too far away from your screen. You'll find yourself trying to reach for the monitor if you place it too far away. Sit back and stretch your arm to locate the sweet spot. You should place the tips of your middle finger on the screen. That’s it, you are done. In the event that you have two monitors, arrange them side-by-side with no gap between them. Both displays should be centred if they are used equally. Step 4: Adjust the chair Ergonomically, your chair is your best buddy. It provides back, tummy, and posture support. Choosing the right chair might be a daunting task, but there are just a few factors to keep in mind. Think about how you stand. The lumbar region of your spine points inward toward your belly, with your tailbone protruding somewhat and your vertebrae curving slightly. Find a chair with excellent lumbar support that assists you in maintaining this posture. You should be able to fit your fist between the chair and the back of your knees when you sit down.