Yoga asanas that will help in reducing hair fall

Unlike previous generations, who did not experience hair loss until the age of 40, many today experience hair loss in their twenties and thirties.

With today's hectic lifestyle, high-stress levels and poor dietary habits, hair loss has become a typical and recurrent complaint. Hair loss used to be connected with a midlife crisis two decades ago. Hair loss, regardless of gender, has long been regarded as a warning sign that it is time to retire. Here are a few yoga asanas that you can take to considerably minimize, if not eliminate, hair fall.


Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) or with your hands above your head. The spine should be straight and the feet should be a few inches apart. Inhale and stretch the spine. Exhale, pivot the hips and bend forward with the upper body to bring the hands to the floor. To avoid tension on the lower back and legs, bend the knees slightly. If possible, bring the fingertips down to touch the floor. The body weight should be supported by the balls of the feet. Hold this stance for a few breaths before relaxing.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Begin in the straight dog position with all four limbs, straight elbows and knees are preferred. Push the hips out and pull the stomach in, forming an inverted 'V' shape with your body. Legs should be hip-width apart and hands should be shoulder-width apart. Extend your neck and press your palms to the ground and hold for a few breaths in this position. This asanas improves blood circulation to the brain and it also helps with the common cold by improving nasal activity.


Lie down flat on your back, take a deep breath in and bring your right knee up to your chest, clasping it in your hands. Exhale and bring your forehead to your right knee. Hold this position for a few seconds, gradually breathing in and out. Take a deep breath and tilt your head back. Exhale and place your right leg back on the floor. Repeat with the left leg and then with both legs.


Unlike other poses, this one can be performed soon after eating. Simply bend your knees and sit on your buttocks. Sole sides should be kept as near together as possible. Straighten your spine and back, and take slow, deep breaths at a consistent pace. Hold this position for 2 to 8 minutes.

The asanas listed not only contribute to a healthy physique, but they can also efficiently benefit anyone suffering from hair loss.