Published By: Admin

Why You’ve Got Mail is a must-watch

Directed by Nora Ephron and released in 1998, You’ve Got Mail could be considered one of the most iconic romantic films, that has emerged. In all these years, it has remained a popular, and much loved film! Originally insipired by a Hungarian play, performed in 1937, called Parfumerie by Miklos Laszlo, ( which had previously been adapted), the film is about two strangers,Joe Fox ( played by Tom Hanks) and Kathleen Kelly ( played by Meg Ryan) who chance upon each other, online, and form an instant bond. However, what they don’t realize is that they are also business rivals! Kelly owns a tiny , quaint bookshop,  called The Shop Around the Corner. Fox meanwhile, owns a business chain of massive bookstores, which Kelly sees as a threat to her own bookshop. Little do they know, that they are also having an online romance with one another, behind alias names! The film therefore builds around this!

It’s a heart-melting Rom-com

The fact of the matter is that this was not the first film of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan together. Infact, they were in other films before it, which made their pairing really popular, such as in Sleepless in Seattle ( released in 1993), and before that another one, Joe vs. the Volcano, in 1990 which though a box office flop, was saved by their incredible chemistry. Therefore, the fact, that they came back again, in Why You’ve Got Mail, made the film what it is. Their chemistry is beautiful and is sure to draw you in immediately, along with their quirks! You end up falling in love with both of them and the way the relationship, which was so unlikely, developed.

A film with Good vibes

How often does such an unlikely situation ever happen, where two business rivals also find love for each other? In this way it becomes a good comfort watch for when you are sad or stressed- it gives one hope! While everyone has their own way of unwinding, watching this film, while binging on comfort food could  be a good option!  It makes you feel hopeful again! It even makes you believe in love being found in the most unlikely ways !

Behold the Actors!

Other than the main actors, what makes this a beautiful watch are also the supporting actors of this film. For example. Greg Kinnear as Frank Navasky, Jeffrey Scapperotta as Matt Fox and Hallee Hirsh as Annabelle Fox have an amazing delightful screen presence. Each of these added to the plot immensely, making it a joyful watch!

Reinforces Fact: Bookstores are the ideal places for romance!

One of the most beautiful ideas, that the film propagates, although it is not the first of the kind to do so , is that bookshops could be a place for romance! Although not specifically based in one bookshop in particular, this ownership of bookshops added a very nice dimension to it. For bookworms, this idea is definitely one of the things that could make you fall in love with the film! Combine this with Notting Hill (1999) and Funny Face(1957) to have the ultimate bookshop based romances film marathon, if you are willing. 

Interesting Dimension which makes you think

What is also interesting is how the film explores the threat of big imposing businesses upon small independent businesses, which have a certain uniqueness. The film therefore also discusses as a part of its plot, capitalism and its potential dangers, while also portraying the romance between them!

So, when are you planning to watch it? You can’t miss it!