Why should you Invest in Quantum Computing?

This is the third decade of the twenty-first century. The GenX has already tried and outdated Marijuana, and EVs as investment options. Now is the time for Quantum Computing as the next investment option. Normally, investors are keen to jump in early in the market, even when it is in the innovation stage. As was in case of marijuana when a possibility arose of its being disbanded. However, recreational marijuana was not still an open option and the presumed profit just vanished. Same was the case of Tesla, the most well-known EV company. However, there are some other companies in the market, and are taking much longer to be commercially viable. Here comes the prospect of Quantum Computing, which is based on the principle of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum theory deals with the behaviour of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels. Compared to ordinary computers which are based on binary system, i.e they encode information in ‘bit’s which can take the value either ‘1’ or ‘0’, which restricts their ability. Quantum computers, on the other hand, use quantum bits or qbits , which enables  subatomic particles to exist in more than one state i.e. a ‘1’ and a ‘0’ at the same time. Thus, complex problems which normally take days, weeks even months to solve for ordinary computers can be solved very quickly by Quantum computers. The study of Quantum computing started as early as the 1980s and it was found that certain computational problems can be tackled more easily using quantum algorithms, than ordinary computers using classical approach. Quantum computing can contribute greatly in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, finance, military engineering, drug designing, Aerospace engineering etc. Naturally, quantum computing is showing a huge business potential. However, the technology is extremely complicated and some experts are predicting that it will need another decade to be viable for commercial use. Some other experts are predicting that by 2023, quantum computers will show their supremacy over ordinary ones; and based on this prediction, business giants like IBM, Microsoft, Google, Alibaba, Nokia, Intel, Airbus, HP, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, SK Telecom, NEC, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Rigetti, Biogen, Volkswagen, and Amgen have jumped in to invest in this technology. Once this technology is developed, the next challenge is to make this technology user-friendly for common people. Let someone invest 100,000 dollars, so that we can have the Q Computers on our doorstep.