Types of Sensors Found in Cars These Days (Part I)

In the present-gen cars, several sensors are equipped to ensure the cars function efficiently 

Earlier, cars were all about moving mechanical parts and electronic parts had a pretty brief appearance to play. However, the scenario has changed because, in the present times, electronic parts play a decisive role in the functioning of cars. For example, an engine pushes a car forward, but from the gear ratios to the tuning of the engine and the temperature in the cabin to the rear-view parking sensors, practically every operation is supervised by electronic pieces. The electronic components rely on various sensors that are equipped throughout the vehicles. In this column, we’ve listed down several sensors that are encountered in cars these days.

Mass airflow sensor- The mass airflow sensor is installed in the engine of a car and its function is to monitor the density of the air inside the engine. In case the sensor comes to a halt, the vehicle stalls as well. In case the sensor does not operate appropriately, the car may yield lesser mileage.

LIDAR sensor- Acronym for light detection and ranging, this sensor is installed in cars to enhance overall safety. The LIDAR sensor works jointly with alternative systems such as ABS and emergency brake assist system. The LIDAR sensor analyses the surrounding of the vehicle and relays data to the driver in case a barrier or some vehicle is overly close to the car. We usually find LIDAR sensors in autonomous cars.

Oxygen sensor- The oxygen sensor in cars is used to measure the volume of oxygen present in the exhaust system. The sensor measures the amount of oxygen and drops the data to the controlling unit. Depending on the data, the controlling unit decides the extent of fuel and air needed to generate the precise proportion for optimal combustion.

Engine speed sensor- This sensor is linked to the crankshaft of a car and its fundamental duty is to oversee the speed of a rotating crankshaft. Depending on the speed, it regulates the engine time and fuel injection.

Spark knock sensor- The role of this sensor is to check whether or not the fuel is burning smoothly. If not, there could be a chance of rapid ignition, which could damage parts such as head gaskets and rod bearings.

*There are several other sensors in cars and we will explain them in the second part of this article.