Tips To Make Your Clothes Last Longer

These tips will help you live a more sustainable life.

Learning ways to make clothes last longer is a great way to begin living a more sustainable life. It could also save you a lot of time and money. If you are eco-conscious, you will be reducing your carbon footprint. What's more, you can keep your most cherished items looking fresh and new. Making this a habit will be good for you and the environment. Here are a few ways to make your clothes last longer.

  1. Buy quality clothes
Purchasing expensive clothes sometimes could be worth the investment, especially if you are going to be using it often. For example, a good quality sweater can last you for years. Take a minute to assess your wardrobe. Figure out what are the staples or items you most use. Avoid going after trends and think about your choice of clothes long-term.
  1. Make use of delicate bags
Some clothes need a little extra care when you are washing them. You don't want to just toss your delicate garments in the washing machine and hope for the best. This is where delicate bags come in handy. It will help preserve the lifespan of these items of clothing.
  1. Use a stain removal pen
A stain removal pen will help you get stains off quickly. Keep it in your handbag in case of an emergency.
  1. Wash less
This may sound bizarre, but sometimes there is good reason to wash your clothes less. Your clothes can go through a lot when it is washed too often. It can be drained off its colour or the elastic may stretch. For example, your jeans don't have to be washed daily. Do a little research to find out which items need more washing.
  1. Use the washing machine wisely
Washing your clothes in the machine when you don't have a full load can be a waste of water. However, cramming your laundry in an overfilled machine isn't good for your clothes either. Your clothes will not wash very well and may be damaged in the process. Wash your clothes in cold water to avoid fading.
  1. Wash your dark clothes inside out
Washing your dark clothes inside out could prevent them from fading. You should do the same for your T-shirts that have prints on them as well. This could help prevent the print from cracking.