Tips to Include Neurodiversity in Workplace

Efforts to acknowledge and support neurodevelopmental differences among peers and subordinates  Neurodiversity inculcates and encourages the perspective that neurological differences or deviation from the accepted norms are normal, and neurodiverse people are capable of interacting, interpreting and experiencing the world differently. It necessitates the implementation of a growth paradigm that caters to the unique requirements and needs of neurodiverse people. Improving Infrastructure by Anticipating its Need Accommodating neurodiversity does not stop at the recruiting and onboarding process, rather it extends throughout the training and working tenure of an employee. Sensory and cognitive requirements should be met by the organisation to ensure a smooth and unrestrained work environment—one that does not meddle with employee’s professional capability but rather enhances it. Ample sitting area, noise-cancelling headphones, convertible desks and calm zones that allow brief retreats are exemplary of an infrastructure that supports neurodiversity.  Creating a Supportive Workplace Culture A culture sensitive and reverential towards neurodevelopmental exigencies supremely influences employee performance and motivation. Organisations should actively collaborate to incorporate training materials to render the environment conducive to neurodiversity. Neurodiverse employees should be taught the skills they would require to work and perform in teams. Designed Tailor-Cut Job Responsibilities To sustain the tenets of neurodiversity in workplaces management is responsible for creating and editing job responsibilities by considering the hurdles a neurodivergent employee might face. An employee’s strengths should decide the extent of changes traditional job roles might demand. Management should be prompt at circulating any information that concerns the support of neurodivergent employees and rewards of staff who are supportive towards peers. Such a culture should also persist and thrive outside the organisation or peripheries of the workplace. Providing Diagnostic Assessment to Improve Wellbeing  Medical assessments and further allocation of resources would evaluate skills and abilities; strengths and weaknesses. Checkups would be pertinent in outlining policies for wellbeing and work performance. HRs should be responsible for bringing specialists capable of executing the assessment. Such routine medical examination should be a mandatory part like insurance and mediclaim coverage. Feedback should be strictly confidential. Enabling Resources for Smooth Communication   Neurodivergent people might differ in their communication style which should be micromanaged to avoid complications or disconnection among colleagues. By simplifying differences in communication and learning process of a neurodivergent employee, management can understand if additional resources are required for clarity in the workflow. Company should highlight policies regarding neurodiversity right at the onboarding process and preferably tailor-made to the neurodevelopmental differences of particular employees.