Published By: Admin

Timeless Tales: Explore these Hidden Indian Gems on World Heritage Day

Heritage plays an important role in shaping up our culture, identity and lifestyle.

India, is one country where there is diversity in everything and there are a lot of heritage which are unexplored, simply because there are too many. This World heritage day, let’s talk about them.

From North to South, India has number of beautiful sights. We have plains, mountains, deserts, sea, beaches, terrains, etc. When we talk about heritage, we have plenty. Some of them are highly underrated. Let’s know more about them.

Hampi, Karnataka:

Hampi is one of the oldest sights we have. It still stands as a testament to the grandeur of the Vijayanagara Empire. The ruins of this UNESCO World Heritage Site transport visitors back in time to an era of flourishing art and architecture.

Go through the sprawling landscape dotted with ancient temples, majestic elephant stables, and ornate royal structures. Each stone whispers tales of an ancient era when this city was a thriving cultural hub. Look at the carvings adorning each monument, depicting mythological stories which will grab your attention.

The Virupaksha Temple presides over the landscape like a guardian deity, exuding an aura of spirituality and devotion. As you move to Hampi's rocky terrain, don't miss the iconic boulder-strewn landscapes that provide a dramatic backdrop to this historical marvel.

Rani ki Vav, Gujarat:

This greatly designed stepwell dates back to the 11th century and was built by Queen Udayamati as a memorial to her husband King Bhimdev I.

As you go down to the steps of Rani ki Vav, you'll be mesmerized by the stunning sculptures on the walls. The detailed carvings depict various Hindu deities, mythological characters, and scenes from ancient literature that are a true feast for art enthusiasts.

The precision and attention to detail in every aspect of this stepwell showcase the advanced engineering skills of that era. The symmetrical patterns and ornate pillars talk about India's rich cultural heritage and architectural prowess.

Valley of Flowers National Park, Uttarakhand:

This paradise is for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. As you go through its green meadows, you'll be greeted by too many colourful flowers that seem to paint the landscape.

The valley comes alive during monsoon season when numerous species of flora bloom, creating a mesmerizing sight to behold. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers, making it an enchanting experience for all your senses.

This lovely park is also home to diverse wildlife including endangered species like snow leopards and musk deer. It's a sanctuary where nature thrives undisturbed, offering a peaceful retreat away from the chaos of urban life.

Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, Madhya Pradesh:

The Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh are a treasure trove of ancient rock art, with some dating back over 30,000 years. As you walk through these shelters, you can't help but feel a sense of awe at the creativity and skill of our ancestors. The intricate paintings depict scenes from everyday life, as well as animals, rituals, and hunting expeditions.

Exploring these hidden Indian gems on World Heritage Day is not just about visiting historical sites; it's about connecting with our roots and understanding where we come from. These timeless tales remind us that India has a rich cultural heritage waiting to be discovered and cherished.