Telling signs of one-sided love

It's a different thing when your partner loves you but is not too good at expressing but there are times when you are in a one-sided relationship, and it's just a matter of time before it falls apart. Here are some signs that can help you to know better. 

You are constantly second-guessing yourself

If you constantly ask yourself questions like, Am I pretty enough, smart enough, or Funny enough, you may be in a one-sided relationship. This means that instead of genuinely being known or cared for, you constantly focus your energies and emotions on a need to be liked. If you are truly authentic, you will attract relationships that truly match.

You over apologize 

Everyone is at fault sometimes, but if you are the one who is always saying sorry, it's time you evaluate your relationship. Avoiding conflicts means you are dismissing your feelings, and trying not to rock the boat is an unhealthy sign in any relationship. Conflict resolution in a relationship can never be a single person's responsibility; instead, it's a team effort.

You always do all the heavy lifting

Ask yourself, are you the one who is always making plans, calling relatives, and doing all the chores. This means you are giving too much and are expecting too little in return. Many relationships seem one-sided at some point in life, but in the long run, they should even out.

It seems you are constantly making excuses for your partner

This is yet another telling sign. Something is wrong if you always explain your partner's behaviour to friends, family, and co-workers. Probably all of these people are seeing something you cannot catch. You don't need to take responsibility for everything to safeguard your partner.

 You always experience one-sided conversations

For any relationship to thrive, communication is the most important thing. This may include sharing your work, discussing family problems, or sharing each other's dreams and apprehensions. But if you experience that you are the only one to initiate any conversation and don't even get a proper response, you probably are in a one-sided relationship.

Friends are prioritized before you

Your partner's priorities tell tons about how they feel about you and the amount of love and respect they have for you. If your partner is always making plans with friends or without you, this indicates you are not on the top of the priority list.

Don't be in a one-sided relationship.