Water is one of the most valuable resources on planet Earth. All living beings are composed, in some part of water and need water to survive and sustain themselves. With rising population and pressure on natural resources, conservation of water becomes imperative.
Water is a finite resource
You are drinking the same water that was once consumed by dinosaurs, and greats like Julius Caeser or Mahatma Gandhi. The water currently on the planet is the same quantity that has been since the beginning of the Earth and keeps on recycling. In this natural process, water follows the cycle again and again in an infinite loop.
Yet it’s everywhere
Earth’s atmosphere contains more water than what is present in all the Earth’s lakes, rivers, and reservoirs combined together. Theoretically, if all of this water is spread across the whole Earth, it will just be an inch deeper!
Triple Point phenomenon
Water is the only substance on Earth that can naturally exist in three states – liquid, gas, and solid. But if you keep water at a precise temperature of 32.018˚F and expose it to a pressure of 611.657 pascals, water reaches a state called Triple Point,where its liquid, gas, and solid states are all in complete equilibrium.
Water can sound differently
Yes, you heard it right. a British sensory branding company conducted an experiment that proved that 96% of people were able to differentiate the sound of cold and hot running water. This is due to the fact that cold water is more viscous than hot water as the water molecules move at a slower pace; this impacts how water sounds when being poured into a container.
And even the available potable water is at risk, so be grateful and don’t waste water.