Reasons and Treatments of Beard Dandruff

Beard can draw attention to your eyes and give definition to your jawline. However, grit, affection, and care are required to own a majestic mane. With a great beard, it's even harder to look professional. The most common issue with beard hygiene is dry, flaky skin.

Yes, there is dandruff in the beard. It belongs to the myths! Beard dandruff, also known as Beardruff!

This isn't unique to you. Beardruff is a common condition that can be treated in a number of different ways.

What Exactly Is Beard Dandruff?

The skin condition known as beard dandruff is similar to traditional scalp dandruff. The only distinction is that it is on your face rather than your scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis is the common reason of dandruff in the beard. On the skin, a yeast growth known as Malassezia globosa can be found. The body reacts to this yeast by producing red, scaly, and flaky skin.

Most of the time, the same things cause dandruff on your beard and scalp. Dandruff on the beard can also be brought on by irritated, oily skin, a lack of regular cleaning and maintenance, hormonal issues, and other factors.

The Causes of Beard Dandruff

  1. Cause Relating to the Fungus that causes dandruff is found in almost all warm-blooded mammals. This microbe prefers areas of oily skin with the most sebaceous glands to thrive. It aids in the production of oleic acid by breaking down sebum, an oil that your sebaceous glands naturally produce. Some people's skin may become irritated by this acid, causing redness and persistent itching.
  2. Faster Cell Turnover. Individuals whose cell turnover rate is faster are also more likely to accumulate dead skin cells on their skin. Dry skin flakes and buildups can result from an excess of dead cells.
  3. Beard dandruff can also be caused by a disturbed pH level in the skin beneath the beard.
  4. Inadequate Hygiene Measures. Another factor that contributes to beard dandruff is poor hygiene. A buildup of oil and dead skin cells in the beard can result from not washing it enough.
  5. Even climatic conditions like dry, cold weather or a humid climate can make your beard dandruff worse.

How to Treat Dandruff on the Beard

With proper planning and upkeep, beard dandruff can be treated and controlled. The first thing you need to concentrate on is the key is exfoliation. Exfoliating your skin effectively loosens and removes dead skin cells. To exfoliate your beard, use a gentle beard brush with soft bristles.

Keep your hair and skin clean because your facial skin is delicate and requires special care. Therefore, when washing your beard, use your shampoo—or anti-dandruff shampoo—rather than body soap. Choose a beard shampoo made just for it to pamper your beard even more.

Moisturize after shampooing to rehydrate your skin. Regular moisturizing is essential for rehydrating your skin and preventing dandruff in your beard. Keep your skin and beard healthy and supple by moisturizing the skin under it.