Original names of popular fictional characters

Did you know that “Gone with the Wind” protagonist was not called Scarlett O’Hara in the original manuscript? Whenever a writer goes through the writing process, a lot of changes goes around the manuscript. These changes could be anything from changing the title of the book to even changing the name of the name characters. So, here are a few of the popular characters who got their name changed before the release of the book. Holly Golightly In the original drafts of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, the character of Holly Golightly was called Connie Gustafson. The character was inspired by many women in Truman Capote’s life, which included the likes of Gloria Vanderbilt, Oona Chaplin, and even his own mother was one of the inspirations for the character of Holly. Scarlett O’Hara The iconic character of Gone in the Wind was not called Scarlett O’Hara in the original manuscript went by the name Pansy O’Hara. The name remained till the time the book went in for printing. Even the title of the book was not the same, the book was tentatively titled Tomorrow Is Another Day. Sherlock Holmes Literary experts have uncovered many secret notes made by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The notes were very helpful and shed light on the way Doyle wrote his masterpieces, especially the Sherlock Holmes series. But one particular thing stands out in those notes, Sir Arthur Conon Doyle was thinking of the name Sherringford for his great detective. Imagine calling the greatest character ever written Sherringford instead of Sherlock? Count Dracula In the same way, on inspection of Bram Stroker’s notes,it was revealed that he was not calling his protagonist or (antagonist)Count Dracula. He was instead using the name Count Wampyr. It is said that while researching for the character, he came across a historical figure called Vlad II of Wallachia or simply known as Vlad Dracul. This co-incidence can be described as fate because he changed his character’s name to Count Vlad or Dracula and immortalized the character. John Watson Since we are already talking about Sherlock Holmes previously, did you know not only Sherlock’s right-hand man was going to be called in the original manuscript? No, it was not John Watson but Ormond Sacker. It seems that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle felt the name was quite bizarre and funky and decided not relatively dull name John Watson. So, would you like these character’s original names or popular names?