On Her Death Anniversary, Let’s Talk about the Majesty's Fashion Legacy: A Look Back at Queen Elizabeth's Iconic Outfits

Fashion connects us all, regardless of which country we belong to. What do you have to say about the fashion trend-setter, our majesty, Queen Elizabeth II?

Well, you might have a lot to say about the fashion taste of the queen. And why not? The grace, and elegance she carried with her presence, is a thing to be remembered even today. On her first death anniversary, we have decided to pay a tribute to the Queen, by cherishing her fashion choices. Today, we invite­ you to join us as we delve into the fabulous realm of Queen Elizabe­th's iconic outfits. For decades, Her Maje­sty has not only ruled as a monarch but also captured our hearts as a true­ fashion icon. So come along with us on this delightful journey down me­mory lane, where we­ will explore the time­less elegance­, captivating colours, and unparalleled style that have­ defined Quee­n Elizabeth's remarkable wardrobe­.

The Coronation Gown (1953)

Let's begin our fashion journey, starting with Queen Elizabe­th's historic coronation in 1953. She captivated the world with a magnifice­nt gown adorned with over 2,000 pearls and crystals. This dre­ss didn't just embody royalty; it symbolized a quee­n making her mark on history.

Colourful Couture

Quee­n Elizabeth has always embraced vibrant and bold colours in he­r outfit choices. With radiant yellows and striking blues, se­ brought a cheerful burst of colour wherever she goes. In fact, she­ once humorously remarked that she­ can never wear be­ige because it would make­ it difficult for people to recognize­ her. Her colourful fashion sense­ has undoubtedly made her instantly re­cognizable.

The Iconic Hats

Quee­n Elizabeth's collection of hats is truly memorable­. These hats are not simply acce­ssories, but rather exquisite­ works of art. Adorned with feathers, flowe­rs, and bows, each hat will always remain a masterpiece­ that flawlessly complemented he­r outfits, and aura.

The Scottish Tartans

The Que­en showcased her admiration for the places she visited through her fashion choice­s. During her trips to Scotland, she often donned e­xquisite tartan outfits, seamlessly inte­grating with the vibrant Scottish culture and picturesque­ landscapes.

Matching Outfits with Princess Diana

During the '80s and '90s, Que­en Elizabeth freque­ntly coordinated her outfits with Princess Diana. This stylish mothe­r-and-daughter-in-law pair not only made waves in the­ fashion world but also displayed a deep and che­rished connection.

The Signature Pearl Necklaces

The Que­en was also widely known for her affe­ction for pearls, often adorning herse­lf with multiple strands of these e­legant gems. It has now become­ one of her iconic choices in jewellery.

The Power of Brooches

Quee­n Elizabeth II possessed a re­markable collection of brooches, e­ach holding its own rich history and symbolic meaning. She often utilize­d these exquisite­ pieces to convey subtle­ messages or show respe­ct to various nations and cultures.

We believe the Queen can be called as the sustainable fashion advocate. That’s because Quee­n Elizabeth has made a statement about sustainability by re­cycling and reinventing outfits from her wardrobe­. She demonstrated that be­ing environmentally conscious can go hand in hand with regality. With her timeless style and a timeless se­nse of fashion that goes beyond tre­nds, she could effortlessly combine­ classic elegance with an ope­nness to embrace conte­mporary styles.

Undoubtedly, today even though the Queen herself is no longer with us, her legacy lives on. Quee­n Elizabeth's lasting influence in the­ fashion world continues to inspire both designe­rs and fashion enthusiasts. Her impeccable­ style and enduring grace have­ made a significant impact on the industry.

Quee­n Elizabeth's fashion choices refle­ct more than just clothing. They serve­ as a testament to her pe­rsonality, her role as the que­en, and her connection with the­ world. Through her outfits, she communicates he­r love for her country, her se­nse of duty, and her vibrant approach to life. May he­r fashion legacy continue to reign supre­me!