Published By: Admin

Of Lochs, Castles and Literary Delights- Why Edinburgh should be on the top of your travel list

Are you someone interested in history, and breathtaking landscapes or/ and a fond reader of literature? Well, if the above description applies to you, then don’t think too hard about your next destination: you have to travel to Edinburgh!

Breathtaking Lochs and Views

This is no secret: Edinburgh has some of the most beautiful lakes in the world! If you are planning to go there, don’t miss it- be sure to take a tour of various lochs! Imagine a waterbody below, surrounded by green, perhaps a castle above, all reflecting in the water. Furthermore, if you go on a tour, then most probably they will take you to two or three lochs, which means you also get to witness lochs at different points of time in a day, and each sight therefore becomes unique and breathtaking, as the sky changes colour! Some of the famous lochs include Loch Leven, Loch Lomond, Loch Winnoch, Barr Loch, Castle Semple Loch, and Strathclyde Loch. Furthermore, what might also make these experiences more interesting is the myth of the famous Lochness Monster, lovingly called Nessie by locals! Legend says that there was a monster that used to swim around in the lochs! 

A City of Literary Delights!

If you are going to go to Edinburgh, you should consider staying the night there, just so that you can walk around in the dark! The city is breathtaking by day, but a mix of beautiful and mysterious at night! Take a walk around the city, and you will feel the essence of eerie and excitement in the air. Furthermore, if you are a Harry Potter fan, then this is for you! Not only is there a grave called Greyfriars, with graves marked with names familiar to those who love the books- Tom Riddle, McGonagall and Moody (on the grave, it is Moodie), but there is also an entire lane, called Victoria, which inspired (and looks amazingly like) Diagon Alley! It is the closest to the real Harry Potter world that you can get! Another interesting literary delight specifically for Sherlock Holmes fans is a pub, named after Conan Doyle, near which is his statue. Edinburgh reminds one of their favourite literature!

The Edinburgh Castle

One of the most exciting sites of Edinburgh is the Edinburgh Castle, built in 1103 on a volcano. The architecture takes you back to the Middle Ages and gives an old, dark, eerie, historical vibe which is exciting. Currently, it is in the form of a museum, which houses various interesting collections, which is interesting to examine. These include the Great Hall, the Royal Palace, St Margaret’s Chapel, Prisons of War, the National War Museum and the Queen’s embroideries! These take you back to different points of time in Edinburgh’s history, the history of Scotland and colonialism. It is one of the things to check out! However, do make sure you get your tickets online in advance. Onsite tickets are not possible and doing it at the last minute might cause the tickets to get sold out!

Invest in something with a tartan design

Scotland as you probably know is famous for its tartan design. If you are someone who loves that kind of fashion, do pick up something nice in tartan. There are shops everywhere with nice clothes, in tartan designs. It can be a skirt, a scarf or something else you prefer!

Don’t miss out on the shortbread!

Also, make sure to try out some shortbread while you are there. These are tasty and addictive and go best with your morning coffee!