Lesser-known freedom fighters of India

The independence of India was a long movement And several people sacrificed their lives for winning against the British. Here are some lesser-known freedom fighters of your country you need to know about… The Indian independence struggle went on for years and claimed many lives. From Mahatma Gandhi to Bhagat Singh, our history books have given us knowledge about several freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the country. But apart from these names, there were also thousands of others who fought a brave war for our country to gain independence. Here we will talk about a few brave people to who history did not do justice… Aruna Asaf Ali Popularly known as ‘The Grand Old Lady’ of the independence era, she was an activist and a freedom fighter. During the Quit India Movement, she was the one who had hoisted the Indian national congress flag at the Gowalia Tank Maidan in Bombay. Among the several movements that she took part in, one of the major ones were the Salt Satyagraha movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. She also fought for prisoner rights by organising hunger strikes. The trio of Benoy, Badal, and Dinesh While these three are not less-known in history, Benoy Basu, Badal Gupta and Dinesh Gupta made into books at a very young age, when they entered the Writer's building and shot Inspector General of Police, Colonel NS Simpson. While they did manage to kill him, the three were soon caught. However, all of them sacrificed themselves and made sure they did not get punished by the British. Pingali Venkayya We all know our beautiful Indian flag, but did you know that Pingali Venkayya was the one who designed it? While there were several versions of the flag before independence, Venkayya designed one which is used currently as our national flag but with a few modifications. Apart from this, he also set up an educational institution in Machilipatnam! Lakshmi Sahgal The former Indian Army officer called Captain Lakshmi was a huge part of the freedom struggle. She led the Rani of Jhansi Regiment, and after that, the Indian National Army (INA) was founded by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Before that, she had also served a sentence in a Burma prison for her role in World War II. She was known to be a fearless fighter, and several remember her like a tigress on the battlefield.