Lemongrass: one herb many benefits

From easing anxiety to promoting weight loss, it has many benefits

From the name of it, lemongrass may sound like grass with lemon taste but nothing like it. This tall, stalky green plant comes with a fresh, lemony aroma with less citrus flavour. It is an herb that comes with many health benefits, if taken with tea or water, or else used for aromatherapy. Its long leaves are similar to those of seagrasses.

A native to Sri Lanka and South India, lemongrass is a common ingredient in Asian cooking but also used in brewing tea. The lemongrass essential oil is used in aromatherapy to bring in a fresh air atmosphere which further helps in reducing stress and uplifting the mood. This mood effective further helps in promoting sleep, relieve pain, and boost immunity. So this grass has a lot of health benefits and can be enjoyed in various forms.

Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties Lemongrass contains antioxidants that help remove free radicals from the body that can be an active cause of many diseases. Usage of lemongrass is also done to treat oral infections and cavities. According to a 2012 study, lemongrass essential oil proved antimicrobial abilities against Streptococcus mutans bacteria, responsible for tooth decay. It also helps to reduce thrush a fungal infection that commonly affects people with weakened immune systems.

Anti-inflammatory The two main compounds in lemongrass, namely citral, and geranial, are said to help in reducing inflammation caused due to a stroke or any other form. These two compounds help stop the release of certain inflammation causes in the body.

Anxiety reliever Yes, you heard that right.While you might have heard of lavender and peppermint tea to be the best effective way of reducing anxiety but even lemongrass helps in doing the same.Even smelling lemongrass can help people deal with anxiety. You take it either in the form of tea but boiling the grass or inhale it in the form of essential oil.

Lowers cholesterol and helps in digestion According to studies consuming lemongrass, extracts helps in lowering the cholesterol level. However, the study showed that the reaction depended on the dose intake. At the same time, consuming lemongrass in the form of tea also helps people with constipation, upset stomach, and stomach cramping.

Controls blood pressure It helps a great deal to people with blood pressure as it helps in calming them down.  As it directly helps in calming the nerves, which in turn helps in regulating the body and blood pressure.

Lemongrass is also helpful in activating weight loss and helps women relieve pain from PMS.