Leave The Famous French Cities: Places To Beat The Summer Crowds In France

Ever been to Paris hoping to get the tranquil and peaceful experience you see in movies? Yeah, stupid!

It’s not just you who’s been wanting to tick France off their bucket list! Everyone wants to visit France at least once in their lifetime and everyone wants to beat the crowd in France. That however, seems next to impossible. The best time to visit France is of course summers as the colours come alive in the country during this season. That being said, summer is also the peak tourist season of France. Naturally, you can forget getting some peace and quiet in the popular spots. However, if you want to play it smart, you could beat the summer crowd in France –just don’t go to the usual and common places where everyone goes! Instead, visit the rare places that France has still managed to keep a secret at best. Here are some of the French places to visit for when you want to avoid the summer crowds!

Visit Provence For The Dramatic Coastlines And The Bluest Waters

Most people travelling to France in the summer choose to go to Côte d’Azur for a taste of the salt air. While Côte d’Azur is every bit beautiful in itself, it has also grown to be quite popular in the last few years attracting a huge amount of crowd every summer. Leave Côte d’Azur to the wealthy socialites and instead choose Côte Bleue, more commonly known as Provence. Take any train heading westward from Marseille and soon enough you will treat your eyes to the gorgeous views of turquoise waters, beautiful coastlines and the rocky calanques. The charm of this place is irresistible and you would not find the crowd disturbing your peace when you are here!

Arles Is The French City For All Art Lovers

What most people consider to be a sleepy city, Arles is believed to be paradise for art lovers. However, Arles is slowly becoming a popular destination for all those who love art and everything associated with art. So, be quick to visit this city before everyone else adds it to their itinerary as well. There is so much you can do at Arles during your stay in France. You can attend the summer festival of photography popularly known as Les Rencontres d’Arles. If you are not into photography, you can most definitely go visit the Fondation Vincent Van Gogh. For those who don’t know, the famous painter spent a few months of his life in this beautiful city. Besides art, the city also carries the weight of its bold and rich history. You can visit the Roman ruins and the numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Arles as a part of your travel itinerary.

Mirepoix Will Let You Have The Old French Charm

While the other tourists follow everyone else to the Dordogne or the Luberon, you should move to the southwestern side of France or more specifically the Ariège region. Here you can explore the villages on the top of the hill that ooze out the vintage and medieval charm. The quaint old villages at the top of the hills were once protected by the Cathars. When you stroll down the cobblestone streets, you would be amazed at the rawness and the rustic beauty of these old towns. Far away from the crowd, Mirepoix should definitely be on your list. Remember not to miss the bustling joy of the medieval market at the old town square. Get some fresh fruits for breakfast and enjoy a fresco dinner in a courtyard shack at the end of your day.