Innovative and fun ways to use food scraps

Think twice before tossing them into the bin.        A very concerning documentary by Anthony Bourdain ‘Wasted! The story of food waste” should be watched by everyone, as it is an eye-opening account of the magnitude of food wastage. Do you know that in the year 2019, 931 million tons of food were wasted all across the world?  You can circle our home planet, earth, seven times with that quantity of food. It is just not the food we leave on the plates in our house and restaurants that are defined as wasted; even the food scraps which we mindlessly toss in the bin can be used in fun, interesting and delicious ways. How? Let us show you how. Make homemade broth Instead of going out and spending a large amount of money on vegetable stock bottles, you can now make delicious and wholesome vegetable stock with veggie peels. Yes, those same veggie peels you were about to toss in the bin. Various peels like carrot peel, mushroom stems, onion skin, green onion ends can be saved and froze. And when you are in need of good and healthy veggie stock, just boil them with various other herbs and selected flavourings. Potato skins If you are one of those who buy organic potatoes like us, knows that they are too precious to be lost. So, when you have used your potato in one of your delicacies, then don’t throw away its peel. You can take your potato skin and sauté them in oil till they are crisp, and then sprinkle salt or any herb of your choice. Watermelon rinds Who doesn’t like watermelon? But we mostly eat the watery goodness and throw the rinds away. If you are a fan of fun pickles (like us), then you can make fun watermelon rind pickle. Peel and cut the rind into bite-size pieces and add them into a jar with salt, spices, water and lemon. And Voila! After fermentation, a delicious and not to forget healthy pickle for you to gorge on is ready. Vanilla sugar The costly and precious vanilla pods should never be tossed out after taking out the beans. You can reuse the vanilla bean stick several times. Because it is so potent, you could simply bury the bean stick in your sugar container, and there you have it -a perfect vanilla sugar, ready to use in coffee, baked goods etc. So, what other clever use of food scraps you can think of?